8 Week Old Breed and Gender Help Please!

#8 barred rock mix black australorp... #9 light Brahma.... #10 Rhode island red mix black australorp.... #12 black australorp..... The other reds are Rhode island red mixes.. I think I covered everyone.
I was told that the 12 chicks I got from a local farmer straight run were mixed breeds. I think I have figured out which ones are roosters. Any guesses on breeds and gender are greatly appreciated! I am worried that I have more roosters than I need. Any suggestions on which rooster(s) to keep? Also, the farmer told me that the white chickens will lay white eggs and the black and brown ones will lay brown eggs. Any truth to this?













1.Looks like a barred rock rooster.
2.Looks like a leghorn mixed pullet
3.Looks like a leghorn mixed pullet
4.Looks like a barred rock roo/pullet
5.Looks like a RIR rooster mix
6.Looks like a RIR rooster mix
7.Looks like a RIR mixed pullet
8.Looks like a barred/ee mixed pullet/rooster
9.Looks like a light brahma mix pullet
10.Looks like a EE mix pullet
11.Looks like a barred rock mix pullet
12.Looks like a maran mix pullet
I am still holding out hope for 1&4 to be pullets. No doubt about 5&6 being roos. 8 still has me stumped. It has a black comb that is bright red at the base. Thanks for all of the guesses!
1. Barred Rock, hens feathers are darker than roos
2. not sure of breed ,but looks like a hen.
3. unsure of both sex and breed
4. looks like barred rock, could be a dominque not sure sex
5 and 6 look like as mentioned before a red sex link , part RIR part unknown look like roos
7.looks like a RIR, and is a hen
8. not sure of breed, looks like a hen to me
9. Is a Light Brahma i have 2 of these myself, ROO
10. not sure of breed, but is a hen
11. barred rock , not gonna say as i can not see color or comb real well
12.Black giant or australorp , def hen
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They're all looking like mixes. Barred does not equal barred Rock, it just means they inherited a barring gene from a barred parent.

1,5,6,8,9, and 12 are looking suspicious as cockerels and 6/12 would be about right for straight run. The fun of barnyard mixes is that you may get surprises in your egg basket but I suspect most of the pullets will lay a light brown egg.
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Thanks! That is good to know. There is a lot of variation in the guesses here so I guess I am just going to have to see who starts crowing!
I think 5,6 and probably 9 are Roos, the rest look like hens to me, but I'm no expert! Looks like you have some mixes, but your barred chicks look like my barred rock pullet. Mine is hatchery, so not up to breed standards, but def. a barred rock and def. a pullet. Good luck! Hopefully you will end up with less roos than you fear!

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