8 week old Polish--pullet or roo?


11 Years
May 11, 2013
Is there any way that our little Polish is NOT a rooster? With those wattles, and spiky head feathers? S/he is almost 8 weeks old.

We can't have roosters here, and my daughter is so attached. She named her Tilda.

She (I still think of her as a she) is the friendliest and most curious little chicken, we all love her. She keeps our chicken-herding border collie on his toes!

Thanks in advance for any help. This is our first time raising chicks.
We have a golden laced polish, she has pointed head feathers and the judges at the fair were determined to tell us that she was a rooster! But she lays big white eggs, and sings!
It kinda looks like a rooster to me, since the crest feather look really pointed, but I would wait until he/she starts getting aggressive and crows before you get rid of him/her.
Edit: I just looked again and I think I saw saddle feathers... I still would wait to see if she crows.
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Thats a hard call because of the waddle already, I'm leaning toward cockerel, but I would wait a little longer to confirm for sure
Thanks for the replies. He's three months old now and most definitely a rooster, based on the giant wattles and spiky feathers and tail. I'll try to get a more recent pic. My daughter renamed him Mr. Matilda and we've told her, when he crows, he goes. So far no crowing but we're ready with a new home for him. He behaves just like the hens, he's not bossy or aggressive at all and he's the cuddliest and friendliest of all our chickens. So far, he's the only one who will use the roosting bar in the coop. I wish we lived where we could keep him.
So did he ever crow?
Thanks for the replies. He's three months old now and most definitely a rooster, based on the giant wattles and spiky feathers and tail. I'll try to get a more recent pic. My daughter renamed him Mr. Matilda and we've told her, when he crows, he goes. So far no crowing but we're ready with a new home for him. He behaves just like the hens, he's not bossy or aggressive at all and he's the cuddliest and friendliest of all our chickens. So far, he's the only one who will use the roosting bar in the coop. I wish we lived where we could keep him.

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