$80 to put a chicken down?

Then why did you go to that vet?

Just FYI - I just dropped $800 one of my ducks last week, and I've spent over $1k on one of my chickens. Very reputable vets. Vets are just expensive, even if they aren't sociopathic.
Once again folks: not really the point. The thing that makes them sociopaths is not the obscene price gouging. It is the leveraging of the animals suffering to extract whatever price the feel (know) they can get. I just drove a half hour to get her there just to put her down humanly.
I’m blubbering like a baby, Laverne is liteelally
Ripped in two pieces. There is no way she should still be alive, but here she is with her organs there on the outside of her body, heart beating, lungs frantically trying to breath, I’m begging them to please just put her out of her agony… but no… first there’s a bunch of paperwork… That done now they need payment before they can start. My card is declined because I only have half of the seven hundred. “Can you pleas just take care of her: get her out of pain? I’ll get the rest as soon as I can get ahold of family for the money… No, we need the entire amount before we “can” (will) do anything.
Meanwhile Laverne continues to convulse in agony. I’m praying please little girll, Just die. She just lays there thrashing and convulsing and not dying. I am quietly no, just begging them to please help her. And they are patiently waiting for me to find someone to borrow the rest from.

Finally I swipe my Venmo card, with the $700 my sister just sent.

And “kaching,” now we can put this sweet little girl out of her pain.”

And that is why these are accurately labeled here: sociopaths, and evil.

And to answer your question I went to that vet after frantically calling every vet I could find at that time of day. They were the first, and only one open and willing to euthanize a chicken.

The next of my chicken needing to be euthanized I will simply use my axe. Not to save $700 but to save her the prolonged agony of waiting for a veterinarian to be paid before the bird receives some mercy.
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Once again folks: not really the point. The thing that makes them sociopaths is not the obscene price gouging. It is the leveraging of the animals suffering to extract whatever price the feel (know) they can get. I just drove a half hour to get her there just to put her down humanly.
I’m blubbering like a baby, Laverne is liteelally
Ripped in two pieces. There is no way she should still be alive, but here she is with her organs there on the outside of her body, heart beating, lungs frantically trying to breath, I’m begging them to please just put her out of her agony… but no… first there’s a bunch of paperwork… That done now they need payment before they can start. My card is declined because I only have half of the seven hundred. “Can you pleas just take care of her: get her out of pain? I’ll get the rest as soon as I can get ahold of family for the money… No, we need the entire amount before we “can” (will) do anything.
Meanwhile Laverne continues to convulse in agony. I’m praying please little girll, Just die. She just lays there thrashing and convulsing and not dying. I am quietly no, just begging them to please help her. And they are patiently waiting for me to find someone to borrow the rest from.

Finally I swipe my Venmo card, with the $700 my sister just sent.

And “kaching,” now we can put this sweet little girl out of her pain.”

And that is why these are accurately labeled here: sociopaths, and evil.

And to answer your question I went to that vet after frantically calling every vet I could find at that time of day. They were the first, and only one open and willing to euthanize a chicken.

The next of my chicken needing to be euthanized I will simply use my axe. Not to save $700 but to save her the prolonged agony of waiting for a veterinarian to be paid before the bird receives some mercy.
Sorry about your hen. I really am. I've had one put down by a vet, too. I just don't know why you'd go to a vet that you say had such terrible reviews.
Once again folks: not really the point. The thing that makes them sociopaths is not the obscene price gouging. It is the leveraging of the animals suffering to extract whatever price the feel (know) they can get. I just drove a half hour to get her there just to put her down humanly.
I’m blubbering like a baby, Laverne is liteelally
Ripped in two pieces. There is no way she should still be alive, but here she is with her organs there on the outside of her body, heart beating, lungs frantically trying to breath, I’m begging them to please just put her out of her agony… but no… first there’s a bunch of paperwork… That done now they need payment before they can start. My card is declined because I only have half of the seven hundred. “Can you pleas just take care of her: get her out of pain? I’ll get the rest as soon as I can get ahold of family for the money… No, we need the entire amount before we “can” (will) do anything.
Meanwhile Laverne continues to convulse in agony. I’m praying please little girll, Just die. She just lays there thrashing and convulsing and not dying. I am quietly no, just begging them to please help her. And they are patiently waiting for me to find someone to borrow the rest from.

Finally I swipe my Venmo card, with the $700 my sister just sent.

And “kaching,” now we can put this sweet little girl out of her pain.”

And that is why these are accurately labeled here: sociopaths, and evil.

And to answer your question I went to that vet after frantically calling every vet I could find at that time of day. They were the first, and only one open and willing to euthanize a chicken.

The next of my chicken needing to be euthanized I will simply use my axe. Not to save $700 but to save her the prolonged agony of waiting for a veterinarian to be paid before the bird receives some mercy.
And it's a good idea to know how to kill a chicken humanely if you need to. The broomstick method is often recommended by folks on BYC. You might also find another vet now before you need one again, because you will need one again.

Idk why they charged so much. It's likely for the emergency visit, euthanasia, and disposal.
And it's a good idea to know how to kill a chicken humanely if you need to. The broomstick method is often recommended by folks on BYC.
x2. Most humane (and cheapest) is to do a cervical dislocation if at all possible, or simply remove the head. I had a hen ripped open by a hawk and immediately ran inside to watch a video so I could put her down as fast as possible. Admittedly I failed to dislocate as it was my first time trying but a branch lopper did the job right after.
@BKOwen , I'm really sorry you had to go through all that with your hen.
If you took her to an after-hours animal emergency clinic, my past experience has been that they demand payment before performing any services. Emergency clinics flat just won't perform Any services without up-front payment, not even an initial exam. And the charges are at least 4x more than what a "day vet" charges. Again, I'm really sorry for the tragedy of losing your hen and then the huge fee too. :hugs
I think the reason vets demand “up front” money is cos once the deed is done, the probability of getting their money is slim, they’ve had lots of negative experience, I think. I know lots of people screaming blue murder, I am willing to pay anything, the moment they have what they want they start hedging, maybe she wasn’t that sick, so and so would have done it cheaper, they will get the money later, and you never see them again… as a pet owner, I totally get your outrage and suffering!!!
Well I did not paint “them all” with any wide brush. I specified this particular vet. I’ve encountered many fantastic vets, actually most are great.

I agree that “criminal” is not accurate except in colloquial terms. Perhaps obscene or outrageous might be more fitting.

I do believe sociopaths fits in that they refused to put this creature out of its pain until I borrowed and paid their entire demanded $700. To let her suffer with literally half of her body ripped off and her organs and beating heart hanging out is a heartless sociopathic response. They refused to end her suffering until I got on the phone and found someone to loan me $700 to euthanize a dying chicken. I was willing to pay whatever they demanded, and did, to end her suffering.These people, whose entire purpose is helping and minimizing the pain of animals just stood there and refused to help her till they had extracted $700 from me. The point is not really even the amount but that they refused to proceed until they were sure they got the demanded money. That is just evil.

And what if I could not pay? They would have been out a few dollars for enough phenobarbital to kill a 2 pound half dead chicken, 30 seconds to look and assess that half of her was missing, and 5 more minutes to gather the euthanasia med and stick a needle in her. That seems an incredibly minor imposition to put this animal out if it’s agony.

And seriously: suicide? Over a mean revue?
Any real sociopaths by definition would not care about other’s opinions of them, and non-sociopaths would act more humanely.

Again not really even about their absurd, outrageous, and obscene extortion, but about their clear willingness to use the animals suffering and my guilt and distress as leverage to extract it. That is just evil.
Sorry for your loss. :hugs
And iI do agree that 700 $ is extreme and evil. I probably would have walked right out of that door with my suffering chicken.
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You are not understanding what im saying.
Like i previously stated, i don’t care who is right, i don’t care if they are horrible. But you saying one mean comment doesn’t matter and if they take it seriously it’s ridiculous? That makes no sense and that’s a horrible thing to say to anyone.
No, I don’t think I do understand what you’re saying, and I’m fairly certain I don’t want to. I described very clearly that these people, who’s job it is to ease the suffering of animals, refused to do anything to relieve the animals suffering unless and until they extracted $700 from me,
And that if I did not or could not get this money on a moments notice the were absolutely unambiguous they they would leave her to continue her slow agonizing death. This is not about me, and it’s not about the money: it’s about these people standing by and letting her suffer horrifically.

And from that your take away is that they might have their feelings hurt by my harsh criticism of a horrific act? And that I should get a ticket from the politeness police?
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I think the reason vets demand “up front” money is cos once the deed is done, the probability of getting their money is slim, they’ve had lots of negative experience, I think. I know lots of people screaming blue murder, I am willing to pay anything, the moment they have what they want they start hedging, maybe she wasn’t that sick, so and so would have done it cheaper, they will get the money later, and you never see them again… as a pet owner, I totally get your outrage and suffering!!!
Exactly. It’s leverage.

But to a civilized, humane person the paramount consideration at tha moment, in that circumstance is a horrifically suffering creature that desperately needs our help.it is by definition a sociopathic act to refuse to end her suffering because it eliminates your leverage to ensure payment.
Exactly. It’s leverage.

But to a civilized, humane person the paramount consideration at tha moment, in that circumstance is a horrifically suffering creature that desperately needs our help.it is by definition a sociopathic act to refuse to end her suffering because it eliminates your leverage to ensure payment.
Do you take your dogs to this vet?

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