
This little 2 1/2 week old cockerel immediately knew what that long tube I just put in was for.
Well learning the good and bad of hatching eggs.

Had one egg pip and died before it absorbed all the yolk. (Did an autopsy).

And took a chick out that was dry and fluffy. Which I guess is what caused 2 chicks to get shrink wrapped and die even though they were pipped. One was 100% ready to come out and the other bled when I autopsy'd them.

On a positive. I was able to get the serama chick out despite being low on humidity.

3 serama and 3 more silkie eggs still in the incubator with no pips yet. 630 last night started our 21st day. So figure have a couple more days of incubating to see if any are going to hatch.
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Alien babies are doing well and growing.

Put up an ad to sell my extra quail babies and had to immediately take it down there was such a huge response! WOW is there a market for quail in my area!! Going to upscale my quail project, seriously this project seems like it will be very profitable. Very exciting, was hoping just to break even but I may be able to use the quail to support some other projects before they take off, or even to put money in the bank for my "farm fund". :D exciting when you can invest in your dreams by doing something you love.

Alien babies are doing well and growing.

Put up an ad to sell my extra quail babies and had to immediately take it down there was such a huge response! WOW is there a market for quail in my area!! Going to upscale my quail project, seriously this project seems like it will be very profitable. Very exciting, was hoping just to break even but I may be able to use the quail to support some other projects before they take off, or even to put money in the bank for my "farm fund".
exciting when you can invest in your dreams by doing something you love.

That's great @Bug n Flock

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