8wk oldish Pekin duck


5 Years
Mar 12, 2015
Dearing, GA
I'm new to BYC and haven't posted anything yet, but I wanted to ask if anyone in the Augusta/Thomson area of GA might be wanting to take on a Pekin. My husband bought them about 2 months ago, and they had been doing well, up until today. I put them in the coop with our 2 baby turkeys and 12 adolescent chicks a couple of weeks ago. Everyone was getting along. We had plans to let the turkeys and ducks free range once they were a bit bigger, and build the ducks a nice pond as well.
Here's my pickle. This morning, everything was great. The ducks were being happy little ducks, I fed, watered, and cleaned their little wading pool out. It rained most of the day, and since half of the coop is covered, I didn't go back out until later this afternoon (spent the rainy day catching up on household chores) I found one of my ducklings laying next to the other (pretty normal) but when I opened the door, one of them didn't move. It was gone. I don't know what happened. My neighbor thinks it may have choked. I feel so awful, but I feel worse for the duckling that is still here. I am considering trying to find a pekin his same age to bring home, but I absolutely do not want any more babies for the time being. I have just started my flock in March, and I'd like to try to make a go at this before we get more babies. My husband bought these little guys on a whim, I didn't want them, at least not this year, next year would have been better, I'm still learning how to care for everyone properly, but since he brought them home, I was determined to love and care for them. Now that one is gone, I'm worried that he will be lonely, and what about the cool nights? Will he freeze? I'm running a heat lamp out to the house, but they liked to sleep under the turkeys and chickens on the roosts. Would anyone be interested in taking him? Or can I get some guidance on where to go from here? Any advice would be awesome. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this book
Can you look on Craigslist and see if anyone is trying to re-home a duck that age? There are a lot of ducks looking for homes this time of year.

You can also ask in the re-homing forum and see if anyone is willing to take him, or maybe have another that you could have.

Sorry about your loss.
Thank you kaessa, I didn't even consider craigslist. I always come here
he seems comfortable in the chicken house right now with his turkey buddies and the heat lamp.

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