8x8 done for now. Please tell me what im missing

Ortho is a powder you sprinkle, do the whole mound area and exterior of your run, then just spot check the mounds. To answere your question, I dunno,but i think so, but I do know that fire ants in your coop and run will be a major problem for you and your chicks. Where I live, we hate fire ants more than coyotes and beaver.
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Sounds good for the ladder thanks for that advice! I will build another one.
I was planning on covering the floor with around 5 inches of Pine shavings, I bought a bunch of bags for the local farm store to use since they were on sale and was are using them for the chicks brroders.
The feeder I bought from Murray McMurray, It has a seperate grit, oystershell and feed section and I wanted one that I could mount on the wall and keep off the floor. It was kind of expensive though, it was around $111.
He is a link to the feeder if you would like to read about it.
Ok I will do that ASAP then. They wont be going into the coop for another couple weeks or so. So I should have time to spread it out and it should disapate by the time the chicks are introduced to the coop. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it, I figured the chickens would just eat them
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I see you commented on 2DogsCoop's new coop & run that he is building. Did you see how on his run he had chicken wire and also some welded wire fencing on the bottom half?
Yeah I saw that. I was planning on just putting the welded wire on the lower half but not burying it or laying it on the ground because I already did that with chicken wire then covered it with concrete on both side of the fence for around 3 feet of buried fence and concrete around the entire run. Do you think that would be alright to do? Just cover the chicken wire with welded wire around the outside of the coop and leave the chicken wire covered with cement on the ground?
Absolutely. The concrete alone will keep anything from trying to tunnel under. Really nice job, by the way.
Just put the welded wire on the bottom half of your fence, starting right at ground level. It should be just fine.
I had a 4 x 8' rabbit cage that had a double row of welded wire wrapped around it to make the squares smaller (overlapped), and it withstood a cougar attack.
Thanks everyone for your help!

BTW After some research I found out that they are Thatching Ants not Fire Ants. I just assumed that they were Fire Ants because they were bright red with a black butt
. So I picked up some Ortho spray and sprayed it all over the area and once it dries the bottle said it was safe for pets and people so that made me relieved. I should get the Poultry Netting in tomorrow or thursday hopefully then I can work on enclosing the top of the run.

Also the welded wire fence that I had an extra roll of was to refence the pastures to keep the sheep in, so I went to check and see how much of the roll I had left and noticed it is 4 in. x 4 in. squares. Is that too big to put over the chicken wire? I can fit my whole fist almost through it. Seems like the gaps are to big to me but im not sure.
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Yes, that is way too big. Alot of critters only need a hole big enough to get their skull through. I had a skunk that could squeeze through the smallest darn holes!
If you have a lot of the fencing, I would put up a double fence, staggering it so it overlapped, making the squares 2 x 4. Make sense?
What if we leave the tools where they are, maybe the chicks will get the hint and finish it the way they want it. And then we'll all know how to do it and won't have to ask so many questions. Doesn't that seem to make sense, maybe we could learn something from those bird brains............
Just a thought!!..........I'm waiting:pop Why are they looking at me that way?
......OK, OK , I'll get back to work:oops:

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