9 week Coturnix not laying

Coturnix are funny in that they will lay when they want where they want and any changes will make them stop laying too. They are probably just getting used to living in the pen, when they get comfortable they will start laying.

Just be patient and dont change anything, they are creatures of habit and do not like changes
OK so now we are at 12 weeks old and I'm getting 3 eggs a day - up 2 from the 1 egg a day I was getting at 9 weeks... I kept them on the Game Bird Starter, but added a bowl of oyster shells and also added a bowl of chicken layer mash about a week ago. I'm thinking about trying the 40 watt bulb on a timer to see if anything improves.
just get a string of white christmas lights and hang it at the top of the coop, have it turn on right before dusk, and off maybe 2 hours after it gets dark.

probably will solve your issue, thats what i do and the light is plenty
OK so for the past week I've had a clamp light hanging in their coop with a 40 watt white bulb that goes on just before dusk (7pm) and goes off at 10pm. Still only getting 3 eggs a day from 6 quail. I have them still eating the Game Bird Starter, plus added a side dish with Chicken layer mash and another side dish of oyster shells. They seem to be picking at all three foods. We are now at 13 weeks old. How long should it take for the added light to make a difference in their laying? Is a week not long enough?
Just wait a bit more and then you will get all of them laying!
Hey can any one post the link about the Quail law to egg laying.... I would like to use it in a cheat sheet for when I sell the birds to other people.
I think JJ had the succinct wording of it.

.... :( I haven't gotten many eggs for ages ... I guess moving your birds is better than the pill...
whenever i sell egg layers i always tell people that they will stay laying for roughly 2-3 weeks but it MIGHT take up to 2 months for them to get back into a normal schedule

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