
Pretty boring in the room with the incubator. Temps good humidity good everything turning as it should. Not really sure of the fertility with these but time will tell.
On a more exciting note I got 4 eggs today. Compared to 0 for the past week this is really good. :celebrate:wee
We are in the quiet time of hatching!
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Pretty boring in the room with the incubator. Temps good humidity good everything turning as it should. Not really sure of the fertility with these but time will tell.
On a more exciting note I got 4 eggs today. Compared to 0 for the past week this is really good. :celebrate:wee

Very boring over here too.. The waiting is excruciating. And I cant help but check the temps every 20 minutes. Lol

Congrats on the eggs!
This past month, I was using my large quarantine pen as a breeding pen to put a Speckled Sussex Roo over some Light Sussex hens for fun (before we eat HIM! The Jerk). But all the girls went into a heavier moult and quit laying on me... so i went ahead and found eggs elsewhere, filled up the bator, and set the eggs.. Well guess who's laying now... :he
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Very boring over here too.. The waiting is excruciating. And I cant help but check the temps every 20 minutes. Lol

Congrats on the eggs!
This past month, I was using my large quarantine pen as a breeding pen to put a Speckled Sussex Roo over some Light Sussex hens for fun (before we eat HIM! The Jerk). But all the girls went into a heavier moult and quit laying on me... so i went ahead and found eggs elsewhere, filled up the bator, and set the eggs.. Well guess who's laying now... :he
Of course.
I’ve had one hen laying almost every day for the past month. She’s the one given to me by the neighbors because he was too mean. They thought it was a rooster. It’s her eggs I’ve set with a few others. Some maybe too old but it’s all I had without buying some.
Of course.
I’ve had one hen laying almost every day for the past month. She’s the one given to me by the neighbors because he was too mean. They thought it was a rooster. It’s her eggs I’ve set with a few others. Some maybe too old but it’s all I had without buying some.
Ive heard of eggs a month old hatching out so Im sure you've got chicks on the way! I just gave away a gorgeous black EE "rooster" to a friend because i had too many roosters.. Purchased as a Hen, but I thought saddlefeathers started to appear. I was not excited to get rid of this one because he was SO friendly and would greet me at EVERY door, everytime i opened one Lol. This bird was omnipresent or something. If I cracked a back door (We have 3) BOOM his little black head would peak around the corner and he'd start talking and just come right in. Anywho, my friend called about a week later and told me she thinks it is a hen after all. This bird has both her roosters in a frenzy over her Lol Just my luck.

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