
Oh he will have chicken friends and I have 2 that were born in nov. So he will not be lonely, I put a chicken egg in a week after him so he will have a close friend and then tonight I added 9 more..... ok so I am crazy
The chicks will be chicken tutors and will teach the poults what to do. Poults are fairy clueless
Very boring over here too.. The waiting is excruciating. And I cant help but check the temps every 20 minutes. Lol

Congrats on the eggs!
This past month, I was using my large quarantine pen as a breeding pen to put a Speckled Sussex Roo over some Light Sussex hens for fun (before we eat HIM! The Jerk). But all the girls went into a heavier moult and quit laying on me... so i went ahead and found eggs elsewhere, filled up the bator, and set the eggs.. Well guess who's laying now... :he
Maybe keep him for a bit longer then. cockerels often mellow out a bit with time
Ive heard of eggs a month old hatching out so Im sure you've got chicks on the way! I just gave away a gorgeous black EE "rooster" to a friend because i had too many roosters.. Purchased as a Hen, but I thought saddlefeathers started to appear. I was not excited to get rid of this one because he was SO friendly and would greet me at EVERY door, everytime i opened one Lol. This bird was omnipresent or something. If I cracked a back door (We have 3) BOOM his little black head would peak around the corner and he'd start talking and just come right in. Anywho, my friend called about a week later and told me she thinks it is a hen after all. This bird has both her roosters in a frenzy over her Lol Just my luck.
It can be hard with EEs to tell.
It can be hard with EEs to tell.
I have a batch from the end of aug that I still have no clue on over half of them..... lol 16 in total and I can only say for sure that 2 are roos.... wow you would think at 3.5 months I would have a better idea. I am fairly sure there has to be more than 2 roos out of 16 hatched .... right?
I have a batch from the end of aug that I still have no clue on over half of them..... lol 16 in total and I can only say for sure that 2 are roos.... wow you would think at 3.5 months I would have a better idea. I am fairly sure there has to be more than 2 roos out of 16 hatched .... right?
This is very common. Sometimes it is easier at about 8 weeks old by the size and color of wattles.
The problem is that their feathers do not necessarily follow the cockerel pattern.

You will know when you get an egg or a crow!
This is very common. Sometimes it is easier at about 8 weeks old by the size and color of wattles.
The problem is that their feathers do not necessarily follow the cockerel pattern.

You will know when you get an egg or a crow!
the funny part is that not all of them are ee... some are cuckoo marans mix and some are turken mix. so you would think those would be easier
the funny part is that not all of them are ee... some are cuckoo marans mix and some are turken mix. so you would think those would be easier
The mixed genetics can be an issue. They are not as expected, combs are combination and etc. Mixing marans with ee will mess up the red on the wings that is a rooster thing with ees too

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