Hi everyone.. I have one little Mottled Houdan. I was hoping someone could help me determine the gender. He/She is about 7-8 weeks old


the ornamental contest is almost over once i find at least 2 more judges. i am going through the list i have and there are no entries for some breeds. if you want to enter now is your chance to do so. thank you (please if you enter more than one bird use seprate post for easier judging and try to include at least 3 pics from different angles)

houdan ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/648685/ornamental-houdan NO ENTRIES YET
I got this pair at an auction last week. I believe they are still young. They definately need some weight put on them, as they are a little light. Putting them through a worming round and have them seperated fromt he other birds and on an 18% feed. The guy I got them from said hes had them 3 months and the guy he got them from, had let them get picked at pretty bad. So they have new feathers coming in on both ends

Okay strange question, I have a pair of youg houdans I just bought. They have a whole lof of white on them though. We love them anyways and the price was definately right but we have never bred chickens before for anything but laying. These ones we would like to actually improve upon. So how would I go about making a better color for show standard wise? Gotta learn sometime! lol.

Thanks a ton for info guys. Here are some pics of them to show you what I mean by they are pretty white.



This is Sam my little houdan that survived a opossum attack. All of tail feathers along with the skin and some of the meat were torn off of her but now she is at 100% health and a laying machine! She is definitely one of the sweetest hens I have.
It seems this thread is not very active, but I have to show off my "accidental" houdans which were sold as Mottled Javas. I couldn't be happier with the mistake. These girls have been lovingly harrassed by my 3 year old daughter and are so very tame at about 4 months old. I am hoping that someone can let me know if the beard/no beard or obvious wattles has any bearing on sex. Other that the beard on one, they have the same body and tail structure. They are "hatchery", so probably not lovely to the trained eye, but they are gorgeous and very full of personality. I just wished I grabbed a few more. They are free range with the rest of our gals and do wonderfully. Tink the bearded one literally flew across the yard to me today when I called and loves to be picked up. Here are some pics.

Leah... with the wattles and no beard (to state the obvious)


Tink, side view
One of our Houdan gals layed her first egg today! In fact, she beat our RIR's, Cochins and Speckled Sussex in starting to lay. Extra mealworms for Tink and Leah today! I might have to forgive Tink for contantly pecking at my feet if she was the one who decided to start laying!

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