A Bielefelder Thread !

I have to learn how to process chickens. Right now I have at least 4 cockerels too many and I have many more on there way in straight run Ams and BCMs. Did I mention the mistake I made when I was buying the chickens at TSC. I didn't know you could sex Cuckoo Marans early. So I bought all the silvery ones! Guess what..... those are cockerels! So then I had to go back and get the black ones..... pullets!
So I need to have Marans Coq au vin in a couple of months.
I have made a lot of mistakes buying chickens.  I am getting better but..... my mistakes put eggs on the table and bring me so much joy.  You aren't the first and you won't be the last.  They are so cute, enjoy them.  I am lucky I have room for a lot of mistakes, I hope you do too.  Chickens are addictive.  Don't tell anyone but I bought 12 more at tractor supply yesterday!  I couldn't help myself!

Did you get anything other than the Marans? Ooh! I hope to pick up a Cuckoo Marans pullet or two on the 30th from our local farm store, when we pick up our ordered chicks.

Sadly every time we have called TSC locally all they have is production breeds with an occasional Rhode island red group, bantams ducks and Cornish x. So not a lot of choices here from them unless you want special blacks, red sexlinks, or Isa browns (we got four last year and love them but still production). It's kind of a bummer BC we love our mixed flock.
Did you get anything other than the Marans? Ooh! I hope to pick up a Cuckoo Marans pullet or two on the 30th from our local farm store, when we pick up our ordered chicks.

Sadly every time we have called TSC locally all they have is production breeds with an occasional Rhode island red group, bantams ducks and Cornish x. So not a lot of choices here from them unless you want special blacks, red sexlinks, or Isa browns (we got four last year and love them but still production). It's kind of a bummer BC we love our mixed flock.
Is there a Wisconsin thread on BYC? Maybe you could find chicks locally from a good breeder. Or go to the Marans thread and see if anyone there is close. I am so lucky..... I live very close to Greenfire and several other good sources. Our tractor supply has been pretty good. Last time I went they had Sussex.
Did you get anything other than the Marans? Ooh! I hope to pick up a Cuckoo Marans pullet or two on the 30th from our local farm store, when we pick up our ordered chicks.

Sadly every time we have called TSC locally all they have is production breeds with an occasional Rhode island red group, bantams ducks and Cornish x. So not a lot of choices here from them unless you want special blacks, red sexlinks, or Isa browns (we got four last year and love them but still production). It's kind of a bummer BC we love our mixed flock.

You could advertise on craigslist for chick orders to combine into one large order from a hatchery, or rather make competition for TSC to make them expand their products. hah
Hmm I never thought about any of those things thanks guys! Well as far as I'm aware no one who frequents the WI thread has any biels, or legbars. Our farm and fleet goes through cackle hatchery and we were really pleased with the EE and buff Orpingtons we got through them last year. I'm hoping for some nice birds from them again this year. We're adding speckled Sussex, white rocks, and hopefully 2 salmon faverolles, 1 brown Leghorn, 1 light Brahma, and 2 cuckoo Marans

Sorry all for hijacking the thread. :) thanks for putting up with me while I lurk and try to learn all I can about biels.
We have decided to sell our Biele flock. They are pretty, calm, and HUGE birds. Some lucky person in Michigan is going to have a nice starter flock. They are all one year old.

Oh, they are lovely! Why are you selling them?
They are wonderful, healthy birds but eat a lot of feed for what results. They are now laying consistently extra large eggs, but for the feed we put in not getting the egg price out unfortunately. Also, none of the eggs that we have either looked at or tried to hatch were fertile. We are too busy to trim and pamper to encourage fertility.
We also decided not in the market to butcher these as dual purpose.

A personal farm decision :)
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I have few Bielefelder. They are large, calm, good temperament, and decent quiet breed through selection. However, they lay less than CL and other breeds. As far as the taste go, it just like any chicken. For those that have neighbors close next door, this is a good breed to raise. I don't like hen making a lot of noise after laying an egg due to close by neighbor. To select best quiet rooster, raise about 5-10 males and select best one from there (not all rooster is quiet).
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