A Bielefelder Thread !

Not worried about summer, our record high is somewhere near 80 degrees F, no humidity! Actually was on the hunt for cold hardy breeds that would lay through winter. I was worried about my chicks the last few nights as they are still pretty tiny at 7 weeks old and some have better feathers than others and it was down to about 15 degrees F, but they all huddled together and did just fine.
Not worried about summer, our record high is somewhere near 80 degrees F, no humidity! Actually was on the hunt for cold hardy breeds that would lay through winter. I was worried about my chicks the last few nights as they are still pretty tiny at 7 weeks old and some have better feathers than others and it was down to about 15 degrees F, but they all huddled together and did just fine.
Great - Biels will LOVE it! I've got a couple of pairs of Biels chicks (3/10/17 & 4/5/17 hatch dates) PM if you are interested!
Since you seem to be Bielefelder owners and lovers I will ask you... is my little peeper in fact a Bielefelder? I was told she was when I picked her up, but someone else saw her picture and has caused me to doubt her heritage... she could be a mix, but there aren't many, if any, other breeds on the farm she could possibly be with this coloring... she's about 7 weeks old and larger than all my other chicks of different breeds of the same age/hatch date, as long as she lays she will stay in my flock, she is good with all the others and lets the smallest sleep under her when it's cold.

With those feathered shanks it's definitely not pure Biel, but I'm glad having mixed blood isn't a deterrent for you. My Biel-mixes have been some of my best birds ever.
I've had Bieles for over two years. Just tried this year to batch some....once with a broodie hen, recently with gator. Finally got one chick! Does anyone know how I can improve the batch rate?
Hello -

Wanted to address the matter of broody Bielefelders. My Bielemama hatched five chicks two weeks ago. Her first brood and she's a super mama!
I increased my temp and kept 60% humidity...did very well last hatch
Good to know! I have always incubated my Biels eggs, but my hatch rate is more like 60%. But I keep at it as I'm getting a dozen eggs a day so I just bate two dozen at a time in my Brinsea and that gives me more than enough chicks.
I've had Bieles for over two years. Just tried this year to batch some....once with a broodie hen, recently with gator. Finally got one chick! Does anyone know how I can improve the batch rate?

My original Biels came from purchased and shipped hatching eggs and I got a 75% hatch rate from that group. Out of the 2 dozen Biel hatching eggs I purchased from other more local sources I got one chick to hatch, and it died in three days from Pullorum. Since then I've only gotten my own Biel's eggs to hatch under broody hens. All of that said, I have a theory that better hatch rates may come from eggs laid by hens at least one year old rather than by pullets.
Not Biele related, but I thought I share my funny story of the day.....

My kids came along when I taught a preschool class last week. It was a great time & DD had Bubbles do her psychic chicken card trick. She's got a serous fan club around town. (Both the hen & DD) My youngest son wanted to make the craft the other teacher had prepared, so he did. I thought it looked cute & hung it up at home.

Today DS asks me, "Why did you hang that up?"
Me "Because you made it, and it's very good."
DS "Mom, you know that poster's impossible, right?."
Me "What do you mean?"
DS "Duh! There's no rooster, so the egg's not fertile. It would never hatch!"

He's right!

Two college educated women didn't even think about it, but a 7 yr old points out the obvious.

Tomorrow's hatch day. I can't wait to hear what the kids will have to say.
Need some fertility advice:
So, I have two mating pairs sequestered in breeding pens.  The roos are 1 year, 10 weeks; the hens are 1 year, 18 weeks.  All are in good condition, and the hens have been laying faithfully.  Problem is - when incubating, I'm getting nothing but clear eggs.  The roos seem to be regularly mating, but I guess one member of both pairs is infertile.  I find this hard to believe.  My other chickens are fertile as hell, and I can hatch everything else on my farm no problem.  Is there a propensity with Biels I am not aware of?  I do seem to remember someone posting that a trim around the cloaca can help because of the abundance of feathers, but I'm looking for some suggestions from those who have had this wonderful breed longer than I. 

Perhaps the problem is that the Roos are mating, not a roo and a hen?


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