A Bielefelder Thread !

Just hatched my first Bielefelder! :yesss:
#2 is the Bielefelder

I am in agreement.

We have hatched quite a few Bielefelders this year along with Bielefelder X Delaware sex link chicks. Bielefelder cockerels look a lot like the red sex link pullet chicks except with a white head spot of course. That and I am hatching Cream Legbars right now and pic #1 looks just like a little cockerel chick that hatched late last night.
Cockerel #1

Cockerel #2

I would also ask on the legbar thread, if you haven't already. I've hatched bielefelders and cream legbars and none of them have ever looked like the one on the top. I did hatch a Cl cross and it looked like the one on the top.

Both of my cream legbars and my bielefelders looked a lot like the one on the bottom.

So sorry to muddy the waters.
Cockerel #1

Cockerel #2

Ok...here is one for you. Two cockerels come shipped in a box. One is a Bielefelder and one is a Cream Legbar. Who is who?

Sadly this is not a joke. Can anyone tell the difference? Thanks for your help.
Just looked in the incubator again to be sure. Our little Cream Legbar cockerel chick looks a lot like pic #1 here.
I would also ask on the legbar thread, if you haven't already. I've hatched bielefelders and cream legbars and none of them have ever looked like the one on the top. I did hatch a Cl cross and it looked like the one on the top.

Both of my cream legbars and my bielefelders looked a lot like the one on the bottom.

So sorry to muddy the waters.
I am asking the Legbar thread as well. I figured I should ask people from both breeds what they thought and see if they agree.
My bielefelders are about 3 weeks old right now. They are using very little heat. I had it on last night because it went down to 50. I will probably have it on again tonight, but then not again. They are almost completely feathered out and having a blast playing on the roosts and digging in the dirt. They are also quite good sized, I think. I measured the largest last Thursday, and he weighed 210 grams. He was 3 weeks old on Sunday.

Really enjoying having these chicks around. My dh is busy trying to get another coop made so we can put them in the mobile tractor. I will worry less about them in the mobile since it has hardware wire around it instead of chicken wire. For nights, I am putting them in their brooder instead of their outdoor coop, so that they are less likely to be eaten by predators. The first night they were outside, in the brooder, we had an uninvited visitor, but it wasn't able to do anything other than look.
No DOUBT the top one is a CCL and the bottom a Bielefelder. CCL's can hatch in all ranges of colors. I just hatched 4 that ranged from recessive white all the way to one as dark as your chick.

If it is a dark chick does that mean it will be a dark colored rooster?

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