A Bielefelder Thread !

That's what I thought. But I wonder if it makes any difference if the cock is from brown layers and the hen lays blue vs. the cock from blue layers and the hen lays brown? Or doesn't it matter????
DesertChic that is a Nice Rooster really like his comb and nice long back. Do you know what he weighs?

^ +1
That was my question also.

He weighed in today at 8.6 lbs at 31 weeks.
My last hatch of the year is done! I very much appreciate the woman I got this last batch of eggs from and my hatch is not her fault...
Six made it into lock down. One zipped 90% and died in shell. I helped two out that were shrink wrapped - I hate my Sportsman because of this never ending issue with it. The last one was partially shrink wrapped and I freed it, but all the blood vessels weren't absorbed to I put a damp towel over her and a another chick. She dried out anyways and pulled her intestines out fighting to hatch. I had to euthanize her. So, I have 4 chicks, one pullet and three cockerels. These are being added to my current 3 pullets and 8 cockerels (around 14-15wks old).

I will be getting pics soon - pre-winter pen cleaning is soon upon us! I need help picking a couple roos as I am only keep one from each line.
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