A Bielefelder Thread !

LOL! Yeah.....Figuring out what to call them is a conundrum. I've been calling them SilkieBiels because my tongue doesn't trip as much when I say it.
Sil la felders!
Okay...Just finished cropping the photos. My Silkie mama hen is a Buff. Here they are at 8 weeks:

Uno - my favorite little pullet and the first to hatch. She's also the smallest in the group with the most assertive but friendly personality.

Chick 2 - an obvious cockerel. I haven't come up with a name for him yet. I'm noticing some deeper gold feathering coming in on him.

Chick 3 - Poppy: I think this is a pullet, but much larger than little Uno. This one definitely seems to be favoring more the Silkie feathering, but with plenty of darker feathers too.

Chick 4: Jordi - my favorite cockerel. He's very sweet and affectionate.

Thank you for posting! The Buff really came through a lot. What a bunch of cuties! Let's call them Bilkies!! :))
Thank you, but it's not really much work. Chicks are easy & you already have experience raising more difficult birds. I just don't like cleaning the water & feed more than once a day. Plus it's technically my kids' job, so I needed something in place that a couple forgetful kids could manage.

In fact this year, my daughter even made her own brooder using recycled school projects!

Here are some day old chicks learning to drink.

Oh that is so cool! And how about your daughter????!!!!! The world needs more enterprising youngsters ready to recycle - you must be very proud and not just of your chickens!!!!!
Oh that is so cool! And how about your daughter????!!!!! The world needs more enterprising youngsters ready to recycle - you must be very proud and not just of your chickens!!!!!
Yes. A very proud Mama here! I joke with her that all the projects recycled received As, so of course her 4H project would win Best in Show. (It did, by the way.) The poster-board brooder was used for 6 diff hatches - totaling 65 chicks - before it was laid to rest. She reused a plastic feed bag as a liner for easier cleanings.

Her project was technically comparing a broody hen vs an incubator, but she had to make something in which to house her chicks.

Last year, she decided she wanted to compare hatch rates of shipped eggs vs local eggs, but we did not own an incubator. I ended up building one for her. That was her 1st poultry science project. She not only won Best in Show, but also became addicted to incubating.

She excels in chicken math & has already begun working on her 2016 project: Chicken Training! I am sure she'll find another reason why we MUST hatch & raise more chickens!
To top it off, she got my son involved. He picked out one of the chicks & claimed it as his own. (He plays with "Nemo" on the swingset, gives her wagon rides, & she hangs out in the tree house with him.) Now I have a 5 yr old Cloverbud wanting to hatch his own eggs.

Pics from a few months ago

Yes. A very proud Mama here! I joke with her that all the projects recycled received As, so of course her 4H project would win Best in Show. (It did, by the way.) The poster-board brooder was used for 6 diff hatches - totaling 65 chicks - before it was laid to rest. She reused a plastic feed bag as a liner for easier cleanings.

Her project was technically comparing a broody hen vs an incubator, but she had to make something in which to house her chicks.

Last year, she decided she wanted to compare hatch rates of shipped eggs vs local eggs, but we did not own an incubator. I ended up building one for her. That was her 1st poultry science project. She not only won Best in Show, but also became addicted to incubating.

She excels in chicken math & has already begun working on her 2016 project: Chicken Training! I am sure she'll find another reason why we MUST hatch & raise more chickens!
To top it off, she got my son involved. He picked out one of the chicks & claimed it as his own. (He plays with "Nemo" on the swingset, gives her wagon rides, & she hangs out in the tree house with him.) Now I have a 5 yr old Cloverbud wanting to hatch his own eggs.

Pics from a few months ago

How adorable! And a Best in Show!!!!! I'm a group level AKC dog show judge and while I don't do BIS (YET!), I certainly know what a thrill it is, regardless of the type of competition. CONGRATS to you all (and I'm with your son, I'd fall in love with Nemo too)!!!
Yes. A very proud Mama here! I joke with her that all the projects recycled received As, so of course her 4H project would win Best in Show. (It did, by the way.) The poster-board brooder was used for 6 diff hatches - totaling 65 chicks - before it was laid to rest. She reused a plastic feed bag as a liner for easier cleanings.

Her project was technically comparing a broody hen vs an incubator, but she had to make something in which to house her chicks.

Last year, she decided she wanted to compare hatch rates of shipped eggs vs local eggs, but we did not own an incubator. I ended up building one for her. That was her 1st poultry science project. She not only won Best in Show, but also became addicted to incubating.

She excels in chicken math & has already begun working on her 2016 project: Chicken Training! I am sure she'll find another reason why we MUST hatch & raise more chickens!
To top it off, she got my son involved. He picked out one of the chicks & claimed it as his own. (He plays with "Nemo" on the swingset, gives her wagon rides, & she hangs out in the tree house with him.) Now I have a 5 yr old Cloverbud wanting to hatch his own eggs.

Pics from a few months ago

I'm dying for some good quality Bielefielders in the spring. I'm in Georgia. Does anyone know if a good source I could line up for spring? Either driving distance or shipped. Thank you!!

I plan to hatch some chicks in the spring and could meet you on interstate 24 coming into Tennessee send me a message around that time if your interested. Here is a picture of my breeders.


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