A Bielefelder Thread !

I thought I would post a few photos..

Schnitzie investigating the outside nest box (Put there when I had to isolate her earlier this spring).
Schnitsel in the inner run which is a bit crowded at the moment because of the 4 FBCM chicks.

Schnitzel and Kaiser with Jessica in the back ground.

Yesterday, she was in the temp run that I used for the FBCM chicks, It is now right against the outer run under the trees. She was there for 4 hours and I brought her inside when it started to pour. She was grumbling the rest of the day! Last night I gave her another soak and did as much of an internal as I could - she is closed up tight! She stayed in the crate overnight.

This morning, she had had a BM and her vent looked fine. I opened the crate and she followed me through the house to the back door. Basically she walked down to the coop after me. Kaiser came running over, agitated, he wanted her to hurry up, and she did! She has been happily exploring the runs, the various nest boxes, the coop, and the other girls are pretty muxh treating her as usual.

She has also dealt with Kaiser mating with her, which she allows when she feels like it, and brushes him off when she doesn't.

So far all is good in the Coop de Grass!
Where is everyone today???
I have finally started to work on predator proofing the middle run.
The hardest part has been taking down the 2x4 wire, admittedly, I have to go up the ladder to remove the top, but it was so darn hot that I came in to eat lunch and cool off.

Seriously considering an air conditioner for the girls...
Where is everyone today???
I have finally started to work on predator proofing the middle run.
The hardest part has been taking down the 2x4 wire, admittedly, I have to go up the ladder to remove the top, but it was so darn hot that I came in to eat lunch and cool off.

Seriously considering an air conditioner for the girls...

*Sigh* Yep! A sucker like me.

My 17-year old son is staying at a friend's house most of this week. Does he text to see how I'm doing? No...he asks how the Biels are doing. Out of over 80 chickens even he knows that our beloved Bielefelders are most at risk in this heat. Granted, that hasn't stopped the two Biel roosters and one of the hens from snuggling against me for over half an hour in 86° heat. And still there are people who think chickens don't feel love. Bah!
*Sigh* Yep! A sucker like me.

My 17-year old son is staying at a friend's house most of this week. Does he text to see how I'm doing? No...he asks how the Biels are doing. Out of over 80 chickens even he knows that our beloved Bielefelders are most at risk in this heat. Granted, that hasn't stopped the two Biel roosters and one of the hens from snuggling against me for over half an hour in 86° heat. And still there are people who think chickens don't feel love. Bah!
My Dad wants to point out the "Bah!" is really sheep talk...

My 20 year old is the same way! Luckily, we have central air. Sometimes I wonder how I lived without it until I was 26! I don't remember complaining about the heat.

80 chickens! Holy Chick! Are there photos on the site? My 19 chickens are in different age groups.. The originals are favorites and our beloveds, and come running to us. The 20 week olds are not quite as "well trained" The 12 week olds are skittish, the 6 week olds come running to see me and all the littles want my attention! Clearly it is how much time I spend with them when they are small that makes a difference. The 3 EEs that are 20 weeks old were under a broody. The two that were inside with me are much friendlier...

beloved Bielefelders. It is exactly how I feel about them.
OK not biele related, but I thought I'd share here because some people asked about training. (Our Biele only comes to her name, so she wasn't used in the video. )

Remember our Dominique, Bubbles the Amazing Psychic Chicken?

and her sidekick Trouble, the Sebright?

Well, here's my daughter's video report describing how she trains chickens:
Too darn cute! She's a great trainer! She would be excellent with dogs too! I used to rescue, foster, and train dogs. Love it. :)
Yes, I'm a proud mom right now. She's always enjoyed animals & wants to become a vet someday. But only on weekdays. She told me that on the weekends, she wants to be a professional dancer. (She takes tap, ballet, & jazz. This summer, she's trying out a hip hop class with some friends.)

And someone living in the right climate. I would love to explore a project like this, but the Biels really struggle in the desert heat here. That's the primary reason I've resorted to crossing them with more heat tolerant birds, and hope to eventually have created a heat tolerant Biel.
What about a Bielefelder/Naked Neck cross?? I have been thinking about this for a while. Mine are all (except my big Bielefelder Rooster) juveniles and babies, but... I am in Houston and I am thinking I may give this a shot later on.
What about a Bielefelder/Naked Neck cross?? I have been thinking about this for a while. Mine are all (except my big Bielefelder Rooster) juveniles and babies, but... I am in Houston and I am thinking I may give this a shot later on.

That's actually what I've been working on. So far I'm quite pleased with the results:

This is one of my Biel/NN pullets. I need an updated photo of her but she's extremely camera shy. Her younger sister looks almost exactly like her, but is slightly more golden in color and has green shanks instead of blue. The two them still pant a bit more than the other NNs in the heat, but I haven't had to resort to extreme measures to keep her cool. And they're both incredibly sweet and friendly. This one, Gypsy, is always the first to run to me when I approach the pen and is quick to hop up on my lap even with it's over 100*. And get got her mother's chattiness.

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