A Bielefelder Thread !

YAY! I picked my little Bieles up from the post office this morning. Everyone is healthy, huge, and eating and drinking like little feathered piggies.

Even hearing how big they are, I'm still surprised how big these are. They are only 3 weeks old!
Here's hubby holding one of the pullets:

Them in the brooder/Dog crate. As the cockerel is gonna be a big, friendly, softhearted German, (I hope) Sgt. Schultz seemed like a good name. That's him way in the back.
YAY! I picked my little Bieles up from the post office this morning. Everyone is healthy, huge, and eating and drinking like little feathered piggies.

Even hearing how big they are, I'm still surprised how big these are. They are only 3 weeks old!
Here's hubby holding one of the pullets:

Them in the brooder/Dog crate. As the cockerel is gonna be a big, friendly, softhearted German, (I hope) Sgt. Schultz seemed like a good name. That's him way in the back.

YAY! I picked my little Bieles up from the post office this morning. Everyone is healthy, huge, and eating and drinking like little feathered piggies.

Even hearing how big they are, I'm still surprised how big these are. They are only 3 weeks old!
Here's hubby holding one of the pullets:

Them in the brooder/Dog crate. As the cockerel is gonna be a big, friendly, softhearted German, (I hope) Sgt. Schultz seemed like a good name. That's him way in the back.

LUV "Sarge" - big birds!!!
A interesting page on Gerd Roth the Creator of the German Bielefelders.

Gerd Roth presents his characteristic Bielefeld chickens before / found practical reasons for chicken breeding
Large eggs and lots of meat as a breeding goal

To breed a new breed chickens, is not an everyday occurrence. If you as a breeder of this breed has the opportunity to talk shop with the "Creator" you can look at the do not like to miss. The thought is the Bibliser poultry, some of which hold in their systems, the Bielefeld characteristic chicken. Gerd Roth has bred this breed and presented in 1976 for the first time to the public. The now 67-year-old has even still Bielefeld characteristic chicken and is still committed to improve the characteristics.

He also lives in Alzey and had a not too wide journey way to the Bibliser colleagues to lecture on the one about the breed and mainly to answer the questions of the breeder. "The course want to know how they can improve their chickens yet and how the best hires," revealed Roth. And he has always argued that his race will spread and that the breeders have fun on the success with the animals. He therefore happy to help and offer tips and advice.

With 14 Roth started to breed chickens, first very practical reasons. Namely to earn pocket money. "I thought to myself, I keep a breed that lays many eggs and then sell the of my mother," he laughed. Ambitious, he was successful and from the very beginning. Already with 17 years he took great awards and was the youngest judges in the district of Hesse-Nassau. Even professionally showed his ambition, he was also 14 years director of Opel.

He quickly discovered his enthusiasm for genetics and set out to develop their own race, in which he has various other crossed. Large eggs and lots of meat have included his concerns, and so the Bielefeld characteristic chickens have arisen. Roth was just head of the sales region West at Opel and sat in Bielefeld, when it came to finding a name. Therefore, the place name is derived.

"The name of characteristic chicken is because you can sit right detect hatching of chicks, which a rooster and a chicken is," said the breeder. The small valves are namely all upside down, where you can clearly identify the sex of a yellowish-white spot. This brings in breeding some advantages because roosters can be added straight to the mast, while the chickens can be fed with plenty of protein and so prepared for their egg-laying.

That is, for example, in developing countries is an important point. His Bielefeld characteristic chickens have been imported, for example, to Sri Lanka and Paraguay to enter the rural population good chicken at hand. This development project starts late 80s. A big cock his race brings grown six liters of blood on the scales. "Of course these are for standard rotisserie too much because they do not fit in," laughed Roth. Therefore, it has the characteristic chicken Bielefeld also equal bred in the dwarf who nevertheless anmutet quite large.

Within three years, the breed was developed on the drawing board, and still Roth is working to improve, as it is in everything that he does with one hundred percent power and vim and vigor. The aim of the development is, for example, the roller shape. The width of the breast should be cylindrical pull through the chicken.

Has money and wanted the breeder never earn with his chicken. "Dear, I made my copies for free to interested breeders who so often had very good results. So I breeders motivated to work with my race," said Roth. Cid

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Well bad news
, out of the 18 Bielefelder eggs I placed into the incubator last week 17 are clear "infertile". May try with the Bielefelders again come next Spring.
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Well bad news
, out of the 18 Bielefelder eggs I placed into the incubator last week 17 are clear "infertile". May try with the Bielefelders again come next Spring.

Oh, how disappointing - I'm so sorry! I also did not have a great hatch rate in my first batch of Biels eggs. Only two our of 15. But they surely are cute!

I have a second batch (half Biels, half Legbars) due to hatch next week, I'll let you know how it goes. Don't give up!!!!
So i have someone that may be interested in a breeding pair of bielefelders. I am not a breeder so i am not sure around how much they go for. They were hatched on may 24 so are not babiea anymore but are not laying/breeding yet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

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