A Bielefelder Thread !

Bine, Have you read the translated Bielefelder standard that is posted on Greenfire Farms website? Do you think that is a pretty good translation? Anything that you could add to it to clarify anything that may be incorrect in the translation? Are there some good German sites that would show pictures of good birds? Or things to avoid. I am more of a visual learner, as I am sure several others are also, so that would be very helpful to see pictures of what our target bird should look like.
Bine, Have you read the translated Bielefelder standard that is posted on Greenfire Farms website? Do you think that is a pretty good translation? Anything that you could add to it to clarify anything that may be incorrect in the translation? Are there some good German sites that would show pictures of good birds? Or things to avoid. I am more of a visual learner, as I am sure several others are also, so that would be very helpful to see pictures of what our target bird should look like.
Agreed! I would love to see more photos of the German Biels - I also am a visual learner! Hope you can help us, Bine!
Breeding Bielefelders is not the easy. The color pattern is tricky, the body line has some challanges and you have to keep an eye on egg performace, weight and character. So Bielefelders are great for first time holders, b/c they are - in you climate- robust, calm and friendly but if you want to breed Bielefelders to show level is def. not Beginners Breed. If you like a challange and if you are ready to raise 100+ chicks a year... from what I saw, I would estimate 6 to 7 years of hard culling til you get a stable population that could compete in a show setting here.
So, it is not that bad.
I saw some lovely birds on us websites and I saw some that looked more like brownish, washed out version of a german sperber or belgium cuckoo.

I do not show them nor do I desire to, but I do want what my original flock had: red earlobes, body type which I call "stout", a bolder coloring, and the darker, LARGER eggs. I only have a few near/at laying age, and all but 1 look like the type I'm looking for, so I'm hopefull. The Roo looks good too, but not sure what I'm dealing with yet with my much larger, but younger flock. Need to get more pens set up to keep things separate. Well, hopefully, SOMEONE, if not I, will work towards the SOP here in the states.

On another note, not sure who was supplying MPC with Bielefelder eggs, but I noticed they no longer offer strictly Bielefelder eggs now like they used to. I do see they listed them, the eggs, with a mixed batch assortment, though; however, that doesn't mean anyone would GET some Bielefelder eggs. Anotherwords, I'm thinking MPC will not be using whoever they were getting their Biel eggs from anymore.
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On Youtube are two channels that show chicken vids incl. Bielefelder. HenDaisy visits shows from club exhibitions to the big EE and Robert Höck who is more into heritage breed. He covers more or less every kind of lifestock you can think of and shows them in their original envionment. I highly recommend browsing through his channel even if you can't understand what he says.
On Youtube are two channels that show chicken vids incl. Bielefelder. HenDaisy visits shows from club exhibitions to the big EE and Robert Höck who is more into heritage breed. He covers more or less every kind of lifestock you can think of and shows them in their original envionment. I highly recommend browsing through his channel even if you can't understand what he says.

Do you have a link directly to the Bielefelder page on her youtube?

Also, I have more good news for me today - 2 of my biel layers are laying darker eggs and big. They just started laying about 2 weeks ago. . One egg is 60+g, and the other is 85+g ! Yeah!
Please critique my bielfelders as to the SOP it helps to blow them up for a better look. be honest if you think they suck say so Thanks Harry

Please critique my bielfelders as to the SOP it helps to blow them up for a better look. be honest if you think they suck say so Thanks Harry

The egg color, if the pic is accurate, is lighter than what I'm shooting for. How's the size/weight of the eggs, but also, how old are the hens laying them? I especially like the stature/type of the last hen. Is the coloring of your hens accurate? Look a bit on the lighter side in the pics. Overall, your hens look respectable as opposed to my 1 hen with white earlobes - her type looks different and her temperament reminds me more of a leghorn.
Your Roo looks too small and squatty to me. Anybody else? He also looks to have a white tail which is a disqualification, normally, in shows. Someone on eBay, though, got a ribbon for their rooster with white earlobes and white tail feathers on their roo. Guess the judges don't go be the German SOP.
The egg color, if the pic is accurate, is lighter than what I'm shooting for. How's the size/weight of the eggs, but also, how old are the hens laying them? I especially like the stature/type of the last hen. Is the coloring of your hens accurate? Look a bit on the lighter side in the pics. Overall, your hens look respectable as opposed to my 1 hen with white earlobes - her type looks different and her temperament reminds me more of a leghorn.
Your Roo looks too small and squatty to me. Anybody else? He also looks to have a white tail which is a disqualification, normally, in shows. Someone on eBay, though, got a ribbon for their rooster with white earlobes and white tail feathers on their roo. Guess the judges don't go be the German SOP.
I agree, the hens look pretty nice. How old are they? The problem I have with the roo is not his tail (as it is not purely white, it has some barring on it) but his comb. I'm pretty sure they are not supposed to have more than 6 "points" and this little guy looks like he might have gotten in the gene line twice! He does look a bit small and low stationed. But all of this is just my opinion and I am not a chicken judge!

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