A big hello from southern Missouri!


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2016
Hey guys!

I am so glad I found this site! I have dreamed about chickens for a few years now, but hoping soon it will become a reality! My boyfriend and I are embarking on our first home buying experience. While I am excited for that journey, I am even MORE excited with the idea of urban chicken raising!!! I am a complete novice on the subject and it will be a while until I have the money and time to get a coop started... So I have been trying to suck up all of the chicken knowledge I can in my free time and I have a feeling I will be reading on this site quite often.

Heres to happy learning!

Hello there! Nice intro!
How exciting!
If you are interested in learning about my chickens, visit the link in my bio.
I share a ton of great stories in my blog
Hi Katie,

That is so exciting! And so many people in different places are keeping chickens nowadays, it's great! The Learning Center has lots of great info, and if you ever have any questions, always feel free to ask.

Good luck and thanks for joining us!

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