A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Whoopsies... I put my turkey eggs into lockdown a week early. It was only for 24 hours and they have since been moved back to the turner so hopefully didn’t kill them.

Brain fart... :th
Lack of turning them during the last week or so would not harm them but too high of humidity for too long would not be a good thing. One day should not cause problems.
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45 degrees here and raining. Yesterday with the full moon, there was a nice frosty layer. I had to defrost my truck. There are already winter storm advisories in the mountains of Montana and Idaho 4-8" of possible snow..... its not even September....
New turkey hatched over night
the 'little' one in front.... maybe a bronze? Or narragansett?
All of mine molted early last year & we had a rough winter. There may be something to it Turkey Talk. So far only Daisy is molting. But the others are considering it! Seems early to me again this year.
All but the youngsters are in full molt. Several are almost done molting already.

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