A chicken rookie's coop project...

Looks amazing -- nice work! Looking forward to seeing the final product

Is the ground in the run flush with the surroundings? If so it might not hurt to built it up a bit for drainage...always good to prevent muck and moisture in the run
I didn't notice the goose decoy until after I took that picture.
One of my prankster family members put that in there.
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Good idea...I'll have the tractor out Thursday to skim some turf
where potatoes are going next year and I'll use that to build it up.
Looks great, can't wait to see the finished project! We're building our first coop this year too, I appreciate the inspiration!
I have to apologize for all these women drooling, and having their tongues hanging out just because your son happens to be gorgeous and tall, and knows how to use a hammer and such. Ladies, I saw him first but figured after you were done making fools of yourself I would step in and take over. Till his dad threw us a curve and announced he was married - all 6'10" of him.

Okay girls back to the roost. Whatever happened to the gorgeous guy we had on BYC that wore a kilt and made it look DANG INTERESTING? Maybe his wife chucked him out by now.
We could go bother him again.
OK...2 last photos before the coop is occupied. We have 4 pullets that will become
part of the managerie Sunday. The doors are now installed and stained and there's
fresh bermuda hay in the coop (just not in these photos). There will be a feeder and
waterer handing under the covered part Sunday and I'll post some pictures of the
pullets when they're inside.


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OK...this is probably my last post in this thread unless someone sees something I should address. The photos below show the waterer and feeder hanging up and the doors finished and stained and fresh pine shavings in the coop. I'd like to thank everyone here for your ideas and suggestions and support through the construction part...I truly appreciate y'all's help and the friendly folks here. Thanks a million!!!




Oh yeah, the new arrivals are in the garage under a heat lamp. Three Rhode Island Reds & 3 Leghorns.
What the heck happened to "only 3 chickens in a 4' X 4' area"?


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