A Chucken? A Ducken?

Megan Amber

6 Years
Mar 13, 2013
I was wondering if anyone has ever had success with using a broody hen to hatch out duck eggs? I set four today and thought I'd ask. I tried once before to no success but the nest also accidently got flooded last time. Oops! So this time I am better prepared! All answers good and bad welcome!
An occasional hen will quit shortly after the 21 day mark, but most will set long enough to hatch mallard derived eggs. The 35 days required for muscovy eggs will be too long for some hens, but many hens of the most broody breeds will set that long.
Sadly, no . :( My hens decided to eat the duck eggs, yeah, didn't get very far on that one, I have new hens though, old ones stopped laying so maybe I'll retry sometime.

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