A contest for the duds!

Here are my offenders...


Iris, the bossy Australorp. She likes to peck at my legs to get me to pick her up. Harlee is behind her.


@Chickassan No No No! I do Not want a whole flock of those nutty favs! Who would lead them back to the coop at dusk? They are not a real smart chicken!!

I bet your girl will lay somewhere special when the time comes too... maybe the top of the ramp so the egg rolls down ;)
I really worry about her laying an egg! I really think she will spaz out when the first one starts coming out of her!
Ohh tough tatas girlie I'm sending you a dozen! You can lead them in,or just chop down all your trees so they don't get lost.:lau
@Chickassan No No No! I do Not want a whole flock of those nutty favs! Who would lead them back to the coop at dusk? They are not a real smart chicken!!

I really worry about her laying an egg! I really think she will spaz out when the first one starts coming out of her!

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