A conundrum on how often to put the wet feed in brooder?

Nov 7, 2021
Lyric's World
We are on this add water to chick food bandwagon but my question is . . . with the dry feed I have it in a feeder, inside the brooder 24/7. So, with the wet feed, do I keep replenishing it (using a condiment/shot style container) or do I put a heapa bunch in there each day? Does this make sense?

I have read some people use lids of things like peanut butter, mayo. I could simply use a larger container but since they eat it up like gangbusters do I keep refilling it throughout the day? And, if so that would add to the feed bill . . . correct? 🤔
We are on this add water to chick food bandwagon but my question is . . . with the dry feed I have it in a feeder, inside the brooder 24/7. So, with the wet feed, do I keep replenishing it (using a condiment/shot style container) or do I put a heapa bunch in there each day? Does this make sense?

I have read some people use lids of things like peanut butter, mayo. I could simply use a larger container but since they eat it up like gangbusters do I keep refilling it throughout the day? And, if so that would add to the feed bill . . . correct? 🤔
My ducklings were raised on wet feed, and I was told that it would need replacing with fresh a couple times a day to prevent it from spoiling. I did notice that it would go a little sour if left too long. I did end up with a little waste, but gradually I could guess how much theyd eat for how much time and I'd end up with a mostly empty bowl to refill.
So from my experience, I would replace the food at least twice a day if feeding wet, keep it fresh, especially in hot weather.
with the dry feed I have it in a feeder, inside the brooder 24/7. So, with the wet feed, do I keep replenishing it (using a condiment/shot style container) or do I put a heapa bunch in there each day?
Either way can work (small amounts frequently, or a big amount less often.)

since they eat it up like gangbusters do I keep refilling it throughout the day? And, if so that would add to the feed bill . . . correct? 🤔
When it is wet it swells up and looks bigger, which is why they seem to eat more.

If they are growing chicks, they should have food available at all times. If you are only giving wet food, you need to make it available all the time.

If they have constant access to dry food, it is fine to let the wet food run out sometimes.

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