A couple behavior questions


Jun 10, 2016
Our seven are around 13 weeks, except for two, we've had the rest since they were three days old. Up until the past week or so, they were all very, very friendly. Would sit on your arm/lap, want to be petted.....lately, not so much. Just a stage or do they get a little less friendly as they get older? They're not mean or anything like that.

Second - we put them up in the coop around the same time every night, plus or minus 20 minutes maybe? Every so often they just do not want to go in. We don't give them treats outside when it gets close to that time. (Although I do have to admit it's hilarious to watch DH try and get them in on these occasions. He'll get one in, turn his back, and right back out the chicken goes)
They should go into the coop on their own every night, at dusk. Maybe he's trying to hustle them in too early? I do the same thing sometimes, and it's pretty funny here too; chicken rodeo, embarrassing! Mary
They were already all on the roost last night, but we had an approaching storm so figuring they sensed something was up.
Yes, wait until it is dark, they should go in on their own. Maybe with the approaching storm it got dark a bit early. If it’s cloudy mine go to bed earlier than if it is clear. Dark is the key. Don’t put them in the coop. Let them go in on their own.

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