A couple pics of my Buffs


7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Far Northern California

this is boo. he is 7 weeks old. he is lowest duck in the pecking order of the 7 week olds. :( he's so quiet, passive and submissive. gorgeous though. the 7 week olds haven't completely accepted the 4 week olds yet. although they now can lay near one another. but of course the 7 week olds get first turn at the pools and food. ;)

he's running past me to catch up to his peeps.

milkyway says hi. she has a chocolate brown beak while her sister jellybean (another buff) has a more purpley-brown beak. she is from the 4 week olds.

i have to say- the buffs are the absolutely ugliest ducks while feathering. hehe they seriously look mangy. but by 7 weeks they are starting to look dropdead gorgeous.

i know she's thinking...need more peas lady!

it's a group huddle muddle! man they were a mess...see next image even though it's not a buff. just to illustrate how messy they got.
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Great pics.
I have one Buff & she is the most stately, statuesque animal to watch in the yard. She is definitely more mellow than my two Anconas.
I just got two baby runners & a Cayuga. I am hopeful the Cayuga's pace will match well with the Buff, once they aren't such little bits anymore.

There they are in the marshy puddle in the backyard. Heather - our Buff - always looks like she is posing.
even when they have mud from one end to the other.
Great pics.
I have one Buff & she is the most stately, statuesque animal to watch in the yard. She is definitely more mellow than my two Anconas.
I just got two baby runners & a Cayuga. I am hopeful the Cayuga's pace will match well with the Buff, once they aren't such little bits anymore.

There they are in the marshy puddle in the backyard. Heather - our Buff - always looks like she is posing.
So pretty! Honestly the Buffs were the very first breed I knew I had to have even if they didn't end up being stellar layers. Their creamy color is just so pretty!
Thanks everyone for peeking! I'm a family/toddler photographer but since getting these guys I've been pretty consumed with them so I have way too many pictures of them. I am sure my FB friends are on total burn out. Ahh geez more duck pictures in my feed? hahah

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