A Craigslist Vent and Warning

You can also make a complaint to her email provider. If she's using their service as a tool to harass you they can suspend it, warn her or shut her account down permanently.

I have stood behind many people in stores who thought they could bully a clerk into taking back things that where against their policy to return just by being really nasty. They figure the store will just give them what they want to get rid of them. She may have dug through and taken the items she wants and wanted to return you a bag of what is left.

I emailed someone selling chef's knives on Craigslist for a price quote. Apparently they weren't going to sell anymore and wanted to get rid of some of their extra knives. They sent me the info and printed it out to look over after I did my budget. Then I got distracted with some kind of crisis. About a week later I get an email from the seller that was just a paragraph rant on why I was a horrible person for not wanting to buy their knives. I wrote back that I had been considering a few of them, but after that stream of abuse I would have nothing to do with them.
I agree with you. I can be a total jerk as well.

I would take it a little further as far as the meeting place. I would give her the address to the police station and tell her to meet me there at high noon.
I agree with you. I can be a total jerk as well.

I would take it a little further as far as the meeting place. I would give her the address to the police station and tell her to meet me there at high noon.

That was my thought as well.......
I agree with you. I can be a total jerk as well.

I would take it a little further as far as the meeting place. I would give her the address to the police station and tell her to meet me there at high noon.

That was my thought as well.......


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