A crow!!!


Free Ranging
Jun 4, 2022
My littles are only 5 weeks but close enough to 6 weeks (in 2 days). I know I have a cockerel cuckoo maran and barred Plymouth Rock. But the last couples days I started wondering about my Splash Ameraucana. Comb was pretty red and then yesterday I noticed his tail feathers. I told myself that he had to be a he! But I came on here to just make sure. I have read a lot about how at first they can be tricky. But his comb and tail feathers was ALL different than my other Splash Amerauncana. Someone else though cockerel as well.

This morning I’m woke up by my Husky howling. And she doesn’t do that unless my husband or my kids are howling at her to get her to do it. And my Rottweiler wasn’t barking. Normally if she is barking the Husky will. The Husky normally doesn’t bark at all without the Rottie doing it first. So I’m freak out thinking one of the littles got out of the brooder (which they have been doing lately). Luckily they dogs are in kennels at night.

Go check on the chickens and they are all in the brooder doing just fine. So I had no idea what her deal was. Went to go make coffee and I hear it. The cutest little crow EVER! Well one that I have heard anyway. And my other birds are freaked out. Going in all sorts of directions. So I go look to see if I can see who is doing it. Before I get over there, he does it again. This time I’m watching. He ruffles his feathers and let’s out a crow! I’m setting there and he does it again! I take my phone out to record him….and he stops. 😕 But it was the Ameraucana, the one I figured was a roo.
How fun!! I have a bielefelder cockerel that started crowing 2 weeks ago. At first it was a croaking cockAdoodle- Akkk, like a June bug flew down his throat.
How fun!! I have a bielefelder cockerel that started crowing 2 weeks ago. At first it was a croaking cockAdoodle- Akkk, like a June bug flew down his throat.
Omg that is so funny! Luckily he did pretty good by the time I heard him. But he had to of been doing it for a while before I got up. My dog was going crazy for a little. We decided to name him Rock-A-Doodle….since he was the first one 😂
Omg that is so funny! Luckily he did pretty good by the time I heard him. But he had to of been doing it for a while before I got up. My dog was going crazy for a little. We decided to name him Rock-A-Doodle….since he was the first one 😂
Lol..Love the name.
I picked out food names for my roos, but I’m keeping the bielefelder for breeding. His name is Spatch, as in spatchcock.

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