A duck a day.

Yaaaaay, I loooove this thread. That is a gooooorgeous duck. He a beautiful colour and he looks all smiley an loook at his little cheeeeks.

Can't wait for tomorrow:pop

This is better than an advent calendar
Thank yoooo
Yaaaaaaay I managed it. The black and white one is Rory and the grey one is Mr. Snoogles. Hang on, hang on, now I know how to do it I'll put a face shot of Mr. Snoogles, he very pretty and I'll put a pic of Doogie on toooooo. Then you'll have met alla my little peeples.
I don't know if you can make it out, but Rory has just enough of a crest to make him fall off stuff.
I'm sooo excited that I worked out how to show you my little sweeties.
Oh and I know they girls, I just call em boys names cos they like to stick their beaks in their own poop and I don't feel that very ladylike behaviour loool.
Hmmm so I don't got a camera, all the pictures I got are ones my husband has taken on his phone. So I don't really got one of Mr. Snoogles' face but I got one of him next to Rory. This is from when we first got them and they were camera shy. Rory has lots of those petrol coloured feathers mixed with his black ones. You know the ones that are green then they're blue then they're purple depending on how the sun is shining? Mr. Snoogles is just beautiful all dove grey with a white belly and white go faster stripe eyes. He's alpha duck!


And Doogie:


He's got learning difficulties but we love him xxxxx
He is the spicy chicken flavor! lol I don't understand the question, sorry? I don't know if he is a he or a she. I named them when they were babies. I'm pretty sure he's a he, but we'll see when the drake feather comes out. Either that or eggs.

I have a she Hugo, too. So it's a little confusing over in this yard.

I only have the three.

Oh my goodness, they're so cute.
I love the 'go faster' eyes, lol!
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