A duck a day.

Priss Your black and white duckie could be a call magpie mix . I hatched a duckling from my magpie x runner that looked exactly like a blue swede like your little blue guy but standard size
He's blue? I'm supposed to call him blue? Well then I'll call Snoogles blue with pride! I will get the husband to get pics of his face. He's so very pretty. We have little battles of will me and Mr. Snoogles cos he thinks he's alpha duck and that I'm beta duck lol. We have big standoffs with me going I'M ALPHA DUCK and Snoogles goin WAKK WAKKKK lol. He is so good at interacting. He's such a baby for my husband, he's happy to have my husband as alpha duck. But what's funny is he likes to be held like a baby by my husband and have his belly stroked but if he catches me looking, he hates it cos it's not good behaviour for alpha ducks looool.
He does however like to sit on my shoulder when I'm lyin in the garden studyin an looks over at my book like a little parrot. My little BLUE parrot.
AWWW! I have one duck who will sit on my shoulder, lol, but he is a 2 1/2 foot long growing muscovy drake.... with very sharp claws.
LOL, Ill have my sister take a picture when I go out to feed everyone tommorw.

The things I do for my BYC family.... sheesh... anyway, here is a picture of my big baby. Hey - he knows what a bucket means, and if you dont have something in it he will make sure you know he isnt happy about it.


BTW- eggybritches, can we pretty please join in on the fun? I have the same problem you do, I take about 100 pictures a day and cant help but want to share them all
YAY! Thank you
and I did. He goes absolutly bonkers for flock started - duckling crumbles. He is SUCH a big baby. I'll have him comming back in the house as soon as I get my jumbo diaper harness from Nettie. SHe made me one that she thought would fit but we soon found out it gave him a Uniboob,

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