A duck a day.

Thanks! Usually I have to put my arm out to stableize him since he is still getting used to his big old honkin wings. If Im not careful, when Im doing yard work and im walking around with him on my back, if I bend over even a little bit he crawls onto my back and sits down. Wont budge unles I "roll" him off. And you guys, his head is already big and deformed ( lol ) so if you keep giving him all these compliments I'll have to get him a sling to cary his head in

PRISS- I think we should have a picture of your itty bitty duckie on your shoulder. Just for comparison
For your viewing pleasure:


And here is my current gang. I think everyone got in the picture.

Oh Eggybritches..... Um.. I thinks we needs a new picture!!!!

I lost my runner drake to a dog attack, so I always love seening other peoples runners.
Lool I will try. Problem is, he always scoots off like mad when he sees my husband so it'll be hard for him to take a picture! Plus it's not as impressive as yours, he only does it when I'm lyin on the grass studyin!!! But next time it's warm enough and my husband is home, I will try!! xxx

The trio have been molting and looking a mess, so I've held off on the picture taking, but it's Christmas time and they just got an early present of yummy feeder fish in a clean pond.

Here's to having your stockings stuffed with fish and being able to share them with the ones you love.

they are watching a movie with us right now in the living room, they are so sweet!! Are yours pure runner?

Edit : Realized that was a stupid question lol, mine are Runner ( dad ) crossed with Buff x BuffxMallard and Buff x mallard
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