A "dumb" one.........


9 Years
Jan 17, 2011
Hi everyone I just joined the backyard chickens tonight. I have 5 Rhode Island Reds (all girls)

One of my hens seems to be a bit on the dumb side. She is smaller than the rest of the girls and she will do things like wander away from the rest of them, or one time she got her head stuck in some wire, eat things that are not edible, I have to really kinda keep my eye on her.

Its not really a problem, I mean most of the stuff she does isnt harmful.....just dingy. I'm fairly new to raising hens so I dont know if there is usually a "dumb" one or not. Thanks!
That sounds perfectly normal.

Most chickens are dumb, but not as dumb as most people. We're just not smart enough to notice.

Hi there!

Some chickens just aren't that bright, in fact most chickens aren't that bright- you may just have one that is even slightly below the average chicken intelligence level!
good luck with her!
from Arkansas.

It seems to me there are just some chickens that like to be alone and away from the others. Most chickens will at least peck at thing that are not edible if not actually eat them.
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