A Dutch? But what color is this called?


10 Years
May 19, 2009
I was given a little dutch as a replacement chick. I was told he was a Golden, but from what I can find on the Internet...I dont think so. he is very small so I am fairly sure he is a Dutch, but his color looks like some one slung a paint brush of white paint over him. Any ideas, comments or screams of outrage would be welcomed. He will be 3 months old August 25, 2009.



That looks more like an Old English Game Bantam than it does a Dutch... I'm not positive but I think that is creole or mille

Dutch have white lobes game have red, OEGB have the white legs Dutch are usually slate, And Dutch are a little larger breed than an OEGB

ETA: I guess I was wrong on both colors... Check out the Spangled OEGB on Feathersite, follow this link then scroll down
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Creole is more of a barred like pattern but with a rusty orange/red color and Mille Fleur is a yellow-buff color with mottling on the tips.

I say a regular Mottled.
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Yeah I looked it up and realized I was wrong on colors as you were writing this... And I was wrong about OEGB legs too they could be other colors... All I ever saw were white legged ones so sorry for the confusion on leg coloring
Oh My gosh!!! what a fast response!! You guys are the BEST! and Thank You......

So an Old English Game.....ok that answers a TON:/

When I attempted to introduce him to the rest of the flock of Standard Light and Buff Brahmas ( all young too) He went nuts, all fluffed up and jumping at their chests....Wow...LOL a Game Cock....* can't wait to alert the Husband* So a Spangled.....no matter what he is, he is sweet as pie to me for now. He is the only Chicken I have that flies to ride on my shoulder or sit on my hand. Thanks again BYC fans. I have some researching to do now.

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