A few(more) pics of our almost completed run, coop, roost and birds!

No, it is open to the back, wire under the roost inside, the dropping can fall through and I can clean out. We need to close it off with wire, so they don't play in it though. LOL!! They got another good week or two till they are out there full time.
Very Pretty. I can't tell from the pictures, is the wooden fence lined with wire also? If not the gaps, at the bottom especially, look large enough for snakes and rats and perhaps other critters to squeeze through or under with a little digging. Also do you have wire or netting over the run? You need to consider hawks, owls, etc.
Beautiful!! Lucky chickies! Give that man a massage
Nope, completely welded wired, top, bottom and sides with wire aprons and weighted. I hope it works!!

Now snakes, they can get in anywhere I guess, through wire holes. I have never seen any, but I am sure they are out there.
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