A few pics of my big fat babies!


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008

I just love the look on the cats' faces! I was initially worried they would eat the babies, but the last week or so has turned the geese from looking like appetizers, to looking like seriosuly threatening beasts! The cats light out when they see them heading their way now!


This is Thunder Thighs- not sure what sort of cross it is, Embden maybe? But it is very different in body type from the other geese. It has a neck and thighs that make it look like it is on steroids. I get such a kick out of watching him plowing through the flock to get to me when I wave a treat-like a football player heading for a touchdown!.


The geese from the rear- I was trying to get a shot of TT from the back, cause his butt is twice as wide as the otehrs, but he wasn't real cooperative. (he is second to the leader, you can kinda tell how fat he is!) We also have what is apparently an Embden that MMH threw into the weeder geese box to keep them warm. We call her the DuckGoose cause we weren't sure what she was at first. Her and Thunder Thighs are comparable in stature-whereas the weeder geese have these long scrawny necks and legs. GooseDuck is a very BAD weeder goose though, she eats anything in her path so she doesn't get to play in the garden anymore!
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