A few questions about ducks (:

A few more questions!!!! xD What do you use as bedding!!?! Nemo eats EVERYTHING so I can't use newspaper because of the ink, or even paper at all.. I'm using rags that I'm washing outside with the hose and some soap but the stink is getting horrible!! That's #1, #2 is....Sometimes Nemo will (somehow) get on his back then its as if he can't move and his neck and feet are stuck in some kinda weird position...What's this from? What is it? Thanks!
Baking Soda is your friend! I put it in the bottom of my brooders and it really cuts down on the smell. Just sprinkle some under whatever bedding you are using (I used shredded pine).

It took forever to find out if it was safe to use around the babies.
THANK YOU!! I will try this!!!!!
Baking Soda is your friend! I put it in the bottom of my brooders and it really cuts down on the smell. Just sprinkle some under whatever bedding you are using (I used shredded pine).

It took forever to find out if it was safe to use around the babies.
Okay, I know it's a boy!! The curly tail was a sign, but now he's getting a quack! Low, raspy, and male! lol

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