A few questions about respiratory infections

Culling is a valid management option vs treating illnesses. Some flock keepers here cull at the first sign of an individual becoming sick, and they have never needed to deal with treatments. They also don't know what diseases their flocks might be carrying since they don't usually bother with necropsies, either.

This isn't to fault this practice. It's a legitimate method of dealing with possible illness in a flock. Being emotionally attached to your chickens precludes this management practice, though.
Ok! Could treatment work as an alternative then? I really don't want to cull at all, but if that would be the best choice..? I hear mixed opinions about it. :confused: If there is a better option, then I would prefer that.
I'm in the camp of being emotionally attached to my chickens. I'd no more cull a sick chicken, as long as they aren't on death's doorstep, than I would cull a sick human child of mine. I always search for a treatment option.

Tylan 50 is one of the first antibiotics I would try. Usually, a five day course is enough to restore a sick chicken to normal existence, although it's not going to cure the chicken and future flareups are always possible.

If, after a couple weeks, the chicken is still miserable with the respiratory symptoms, I would try one of the other drugs I mentioned. But you would probably need to ask your vet for a prescription as they are much more controlled than Tylosin.
Ok so IB much like a cold in humans just has to run it’s course?
Yes, sort of...there can be secondary infection that would require antibiotic treatment or IB sometimes accompanies another illness like Mycoplasma. IB makes birds carriers for up to a year, so it can be spread around if you don't keep a closed flock during that time (no birds in/out, this includes hatching). It's also one of the diseases that impacts the reproductive system - causing wrinkled eggs, watery albumen, reduced productivity and is a virus that is linked to reproductive disorders like Salpingitis - so it's really more than just a cold.

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