A flock I can follow!

Hi Erin, I'm another chicken nut. We live in a small rural town on 2 1/2 acres. My hubby built a beautiful coop and run (I won't free range here - too many predators). I already had two adult hens, but in March, we did what you did: went all over collecting different kinds of chicks. We ended up with twenty-four: Black Star and Black Marans are the older girls, 4 Easter Eggers (2 of which are adorable roos), Sic. Buttercup, different types of Wyandotts, Dominique, Barred Rock, 2 kinds of Brahmas, Olive Egger, Hamburg, RIR, Jersey Giants, Leghorn, Penedesenca, sex-linked gold, and I'm probably forgetting somebody. All of our chickens are named old lady names, and we get such joy just sitting out in the coop visiting with them. I had no idea this would be such fun!

Here's a picture of my brother when he came to visit sitting in the runView attachment 1818614 with Carole on his knee.

Glad you're here!

I really LOVE your run. I’d love to see more.

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