A fox took off with my smallest muscovy. šŸ˜­

I am so sorry. Losing a bird is tough. We lost a chicken in the fall to a fox. I was going to start letting my birds free range more since it's spring and we didn't lose any this time last year but as I was out doing my farm chores this morning, a fox was just passing through our backyard. An hour later, a neighbor emailed me photos of a fox with 6 kits in their backyard!!!!! So, needless to say, I will not be letting my birds out any time soon with that many hungry mouths for the fox to feed. Total bummer, but better to be safe than sorry.
Oh wow. From what I've read since losing my duck, foxes are very active in the spring seeking food for their kits. I am lucky that it didn't go into the run. The door was open for the muscovies and the run is divided by a 4' fence for the chickens to stay contained. They get more supervised free time. But, if that fox would have gone in it most likely would have taken out the whole flock.
I agree with the other posts. I lost have lost birds to fox in the past. I lost my most special bird Gladys. She was a 3 year old cross beak but was a love. I let her out of her pen and then was distracted and a fox sneaked in and grabbed her. If only I had put her back in her pen while I was distracted. It broke my heart and I was very angry with myself. I still miss her.
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Awe. We definitely grow attached to these birds.

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