A HUGE Thank You and Hug to Southern28Chick!!!

That is SO SWEET!!!
She was a beautiful girl. Isn't she a Buff Cochin? I have 2. And Buffy is the sweetest lil thing. She will sit and talk and look me straight in the eye. If I'm handing out treats to all the chicks she sits right beside me waiting patiently for her turn to get one. If I don't get it to her fast enough she pulls at my shirt or pants to get my attention.
Beautiful handy work on the memorial!
Yep, she was a Buff Cochin. I reaaaalllly want another one. I see the picture of the week and Chicken Hawk looked just like that girl!! I never got any babies from CH, though....

But, I have a feeling that no Buff Cochin will replace my Chicken Hawk. I'm just really happy that I have little Potpie to fill the void. Nothing like having a chicken that likes to sit on your head!
What type of sealant is your DH putting on it? I need some to put on my Bok Bok memorial.


Almost forgot to hug you back...
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Thanks for the kind words. This was actually only my second wood burning attempt. I really like doing it so far. I would be open to trying anything at this point.
I own a business called Southern Essence. Right now I only sell my handcrafted soaps on my webite but I was thinking about doing a bunch of wood burnings to try and sell as well. Maybe something that says "Home Sweet Home" with a picture of a farm or some with landscape scenes, animals...ect. I think the next one I try is going to be of a duck in flight. I don't have any ducks...yet
but I think they are just beautiful birds.

Again thanks everyone for such positive feedback.
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Awesome work Southern28chick, my kids bought me a burner for xmas a few yrs ago and it intimidates me, LOL

CarriBrown, What a wonderful way to remember your little hen, just beautiful.

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