A list of things EVERYONE should try..or know how to do...

The golden rule. Treat other the way you want to be treated. Then we'd all be a bit better off. I know I go out of my way to treat others with respect. Sometimes other don't show it back.
I could go into a big rant about this one but I'd be here forever. hint: in-laws

I wish I could put one of these on them. Stupidity is a horrible thing.

Ok....I'm going to be nice now and be respectful.
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I would add:

-How to think for yourself
-Basic logic
-Ethics (not the same as morals)
-Reading comprehension (amazing how many people don't read, or read things then don't understand, can't put things in their own words, rely on others to do their reading for them)
-How your government works and what to do about it
-How your government got that way, it's not always as simple as the TV makes it out to be
-First aid and CPR
-Epistemology (how you know what you know)

I used to get a lot of college students--at a supposedly selective university, mind--who knew none of these things. Don't ask me how they got through life, nevermind college, I have no idea.

Most people I encounter honestly have no idea how they know what they know or even how to construct a simple heuristic in lieu of brainpower. That alone amazes me.
Actually - it's not you at all! Success in learning how to drive a manual tranmission is really about how well its taught as a skill more than anything else.

My mother tried, and failed, to teach me, and later a friend (who also happened to be a driving instructor) managed to teach me in a few hours.


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- Change a tire
- Make a real apology, as in "I'm sorry that I hurt you" not "I'm sorry that your feelings got hurt"
- Do your own laundry start to finish
- Cook 1 really impressive meal, even if it's just a signature dish of spaghetti
- Travel independently
i can drive a stick, well my son would disagree. I had to drive my dads old truck for a couple days, at 28 he tossed me the keys and said dont hit anything.
I had to figure it out for myself.
Michigan resident says:
So true!

Ontario Canada resident and a former school bus driver ....

short story...I was reading the news paper in NC one year and they were talking about the schools being closed and streets being closed due to a dusting of snow...i laughed...unless we get hit with over 3 feet of snow the school busses still run...
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This is one awesome thread, I have so enjoyed reading all the replies............ you are all so talented!

I can put my hand on my heart and say that I can do all the things Unionwire listed and more (including power tools)... I love to learn new skills (taught myself the computer - my children believed I could never do that as I was a Techno phobe! - I belived I could and over a long period of time have surprised them and at times myself! and I am still learning.

My Motto - Nothing ventured - Nothing gained.
Energy and Persistance conquer all things
Believe and you Can Achieve
Good manners cost nothing

Respect others as you wish them to respect yourself, be careful on climbing the ladder of life as you could meet them on the way down.
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