A little bit about me.


In the Brooder
Oct 1, 2018
Good morning! I am Brenda Gibson. I live in MO. We have 1 chicken, 4 roosters, the luck of the draw. We also have 2 Ducks, Daisy and Donald, and 10, no 12 goats. We just had 2 kids on New Years Eve. Too bad we can't get that tax break.
I am married and we have two teenage sons. The goats are more of a hobby. Starting to become a little more. I enjoy them immensely. Two of them are therapy goats. One is a show goat for my son who is in FFA. This is a first for us.
Hello Brenda,

Hope those new kids are keeping warm -- recent Midwest weather is finally looking like winter, and you folks in the south have been getting it worse than we've had it in northern Iowa. But, we are in the storm path for this weekend.

I like your menagerie. Chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, goats, cats and a dog are at home here. It doesn't sound as if your rooster-to-hen ratio is causing you problems. Did they all grow up together? My original three drake ducks were all hatched at the same time and grew up together; they didn't show signs of aggression towards each other, but the hen ducks got overworked!

This is a great community and you are warmly welcomed here!
Hello Brenda and welcome to Backyard Chickens :frow:welcome

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