A little bit of road rage!

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mom'sfolly :

I have a friend who advocates a dash mounted paint ball gun. Any driver having more than three colors of paint gets an automatic ticket for driving like an idiot. I LOVE this idea.

I want one!!!!​
I agree. Hopefully you are polite enough to pull over and let cars pass when there are more than a couple piling up behind you. Here in Colorado they have a law against having more than 5 cars behind you on the 2 lane state roads. The reason is because people get so PO'd that they take chances to pass the slow poke and people get killed. Farm tractors are required to make room as soon as possible. Most farmers are very good about it. People that pull out when you are going full speed should be shot or at least tar and feathered. People pulling out in front of any kind of rig that's at speed are just plain stupid.

Why do people get so upset about getting passed? I understand it if they actually cut you off. To me being cut off is when they come back over in such a manner that you have to swerve or brake to avoid an impact. I usually come back over about a 100 yards ahead so I don't throw any sand up on the car I passed. I do get annoyed when someone passes me then makes a turn and I have to slow down so they can make the turn. I do hate people that drive side by side at the exact speed limit. I dream of having a missile launcher on the front of the car to clear the road. Or a big truck with a push bar. You have to wonder what people like that are thinking. I think the answer is that they aren't thinking.
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I have horriblke road rage really I am partially ashamed of it as my son now yells at people to hurry sometimes. But seriously why cant people learn to drive well and wehy on earth dont the slow guys just stay in the right lane, there is nothing more furiating than having 2 guys driving taking up both lanes blocking everyone else from passing. They create a bunch of stressed drivers that line up behind them desperatly trying to pass. The people trying to get by nearly cause accidents all because someone will not change lanes and get out of the way. You can see a line of fustrated drivers a half mile long just itching to shoot by and get to where they need to be. Then when you finally get passed them they look at you as if you are the bad guy because you don t want to drive behind a pacecar. I flip them the bird often so if you see a silver VW station wagon behind you make your own life easier (and mine) and move over!
Here is what really blows me away. Think about this. You take a two ten load of metal and hurtle it at a space that is currently occupied by another two ton pile of metal! You scream along the highway at 65 miles an hour straight at another vehicle coming at you at the same speed!! And you bet your entire life on the fact that you and that unknown other driver share the same belief in and respect for PAINT!

Those lines on the road?? It's paint. That's it, not a force field. Every time you drive you assume that the other drivers will at the very least attempt to follow the rules.

They often don't.
So how come we keep thinking they will??

Drive someplace like Thailand and you see what the thaiturkey means - they really ain't got no rules and no one cares about the ones they do have!
But are they going the speed limit to begin with? If they are then I hate to say it, but your in the wrong. To pass someone that is already going the posted speed limit then you are breaking the law by speeding.

Just last year my husband and I had some idiot pull out in front of us while we were hauling over 200 bales of hay. We were going to speed limit and this guy just didn't want to wait for us to pass. My husband just missed hitting the guy and we left some pretty good skid marks. He flipped us off and proceeded to speed away when the light started flashing. The idiot didn't know that a cop was sitting on the other side and saw the entire thing.
So Hollywood is pretty accurate on that one eh?

Hollywood, from my knowledge of its smug movies about Asia, usually shows rickshaws being pedalled by wrinkled old guys wearing rice farmers' straw hats. That's not it. Not these days anyway. I wish I had video clips of what some drivers get up to but I have both hands firmly on the wheel. When I ride my Steed chopper I have a different point of view, of course! Town driving is much the same as anywhere and around our village and market town the traffic density is so light that there are no real problems. It's the open road where they come into their own.

Here's a You Tube clip. I see this nearly every time I take a long trip:

And here's a typical example of kids on bikes:

A common sight is lightweight polystyrene goods pile high and wide on a pick up with no thought given in advance to side winds!

They are eventually stopped by the police, pay a small fine and continue.

Much of what I see reminds me of how things were in the UK when I was young. We didn't have seat belts even if we saw the need. We didn't have to wear sissy helmets on bikes. Vehicle and tyre maintenance was voluntary. Drinking and driving was common. The chances of detection were low unless we had an accident. Things changes when laws and their enforcement were tightened up and the government educated us with tv advertisements. It's gone too far now, though. A guy in England was charged with not being in control of his vehicle because he was holding a chocolate bar. He'd stopped at the roadside and put on the brake!
The left lane is the passing lane. If you are not passing, just keeping pace you need to move to the right lane. That is the law. You can get a ticket for just driving in the left lane.
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