A little bit of road rage!

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In Washington, you rarely see someone in the left lane unless they are passing a slower car. It is posted that slower traffic stays right.

In other states, if I am in the fast lane and someone wants to pass me, I pull to the right lane. I am not a self appointed traffic monitor and if someone else wants to risk a ticket, it is not my business to make sure they are not speeding. Life is too short to worry about someone else's traffic faults.
I call those people rabbits. Always in a hurry, but then trips the trap the cops have down the road and then has a fit that they got caught. Well I say don't be going 80+ when the posted limit is 65.

And OP I do hope you talk with that person. She could have very well caused a serious accident. There was just one in RI where a 14 year old stole a car and during the police chase crashed into a minivan and killed a 9 year old girl. Very sad. Wish people would pay more attention when driving.
We live off of a country road so I'm used to following farm vehicles. One night coming home from work, I'm tired, and I'm following this truck towing an empty trailer. She is driving reallllllllly slow and I followed her for about 3 miles unable to pass. Just as she gets to my driveway she pulls over, right in front of my driveway, gets out and starts to check her tires!!! So I stop, and wait and she finally looks up so I point to my driveway, she hollers "go around", I holler back, "Your parked in front of my driveway", she says, "go around", I say again "your in my way, thats my driveway", then she stomps up to my car and hollers, "go around!" I repeat "you are in my way thats my driveway," she says "I thought I had a flat". "Ok do you?" "NO", well then can you move I wanta go home", and she says, "Can't you go around", This went on for 15 minutes, GEEEEEEEzz, She finally crawled back in and moved so I could pull in the driveway, but I don't think she ever understood she was blocking my driveway.
By that logic you would never get off the freeway unless you had a left exit.

Pulling out of the way of someone going faster than you and weaving in and out of lanes are totally different situations.
No you can change lanes to get on an off or at interchanges but you cant change lanes over an over because of slow or fast cars. Changing lanes is the most dangerous thing most people do on the highway an doing it excessively is a hazard. I think its something like 80% of crashes on multilane highways happen when someone is changing lanes.

I also dont think ist my job to slow speeders down. I dont change lanes to block them but its also not my job to help them ether. I dont change lanes to get out of there way.

The argument that the law is on the side of the speeders is not going to fly.
"In other states, if I am in the fast lane and someone wants to pass me, I pull to the right lane. I am not a self appointed traffic monitor and if someone else wants to risk a ticket, it is not my business to make sure they are not speeding. Life is too short to worry about someone else's traffic faults."

thank you terrielacy for that logical opinion as for rebelcowboysnb I am sooo thankful we dont have to drive on the same roads. because I could not disagree more. And traffic laws DO DIFFER from state to state heck they differ from city to town where I live such as no where in the 5 bouroughs of Manhattan can you turn right on red but all the towns around the city can. Also our signs not only say the max speed limit but they also say the minimum. I have been to almost every state and can tell you that a lot of things are different from place to place.
we just had a 12 year old killed crossing the freeway.. it's not just drivers that can be dumb. at 12 you should know better than to be crossing a super busy highway/freeway esp after dark! sorry for that family but think before they act!

we have a lot of problems with road rage around our area.. it can be a scary thing.. i don't drive.. i have enough problems keeping my mouth shut in the passenger seat.
Must behave... must behave... SOOO HARD... OK let's try for PC... um... one thing I have learned from my Canadian cousins 7 miles from me... they understand the fine arts of tailgating and cutting people off... especially in Quebec... I live outside of O-berg meat... I can wave to you from the other side...
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