A little bit of road rage!

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looked it up.
Washington has a law that you must always stay right unless you are driving faster than everyone else.

......So in essence only speeder should be in that lane......

Virginia is the only state that requires you to get out of the way of speeders.

Most other states including New Yorks laws say that the keep right law applys only to autos moving slower that the posted limit.

39 states ether have no keep right law at all or it actually says only for less than the posted limit.

9 states say for slow autos to stay right but dont define "slow"
Whatever the law says, isn't it inviting trouble to block a highway because you are driving on the limit? Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter, the speeding driver will quickly become frustrated and that can lead to some stupid acts.

In Thailand, as in many other countries, we drive on the left. On a dual carriageway we are expected to keep left except when passing a slower vehicle. Some drivers ignore the law but it's one of the things that the highway police are hot on and, on a long trip, I'm almost certain to see someone flagged down for it.

The view about speeding is that it's between the driver and the police and not for other motorists to enforce the limits. If someone is driving like a lunatic he probably behaves like one in other ways. There's no point in being right if you're wrapped around a roadside tree.
Again I dont see it as my job to weave back an forth from lane to lane so other people can break the law. Besides, if ya ain't got a siren on I'm not looking in my mirror. I'm only require to know what is going on in front of me an beside me. Now If I'm driving slow I will watch behind me but not at the limit.
Actually that's not true. As a smith trained driver I can tell you that it IS your job to keep a buffer in all directions and most definately including behind you. I drive for a living. Not "leaving yourself an out" is just as much your fault as the person tailgating. You are responsible for every potential issue for your vehicle as well as every other driver on the road.
Actually that's not true. As a smith trained driver I can tell you that it IS your job to keep a buffer in all directions and most definately including behind you. I drive for a living. Not "leaving yourself an out" is just as much your fault as the person tailgating. You are responsible for every potential issue for your vehicle as well as every other driver on the road.

That's what I was taught. And that includes frequent mirror checks to see what's going on behind. I was also taught to avoid inconveniencing other road users. It's probable that obstructing a highway is an offence and so refusing to let anyone through could lead to a fine.

Many years ago, my young son swallowed some coins and was choking. I strapped him in his car and set off at speed to the nearest A&E. I was very grateful that other drivers moved over to let me through, despite the speed at which I was driving. Eventually I linked up with a police patrol car and got a high speed escort. The guy behind who is in a hurry might have a similar emergency.
Actually the manual says its your job to keep a buffer in front an to the sides to give you "outs." As for behind you it says that the correct safe response to a tailgater is to slow down. You are not in control of followers distance but you are in control of the speed that you are going when they are to close.
That's the kind of thinking that causes road rage. In Colorado they have a law against that. The left lane on any road posted 65 or above is for passing only. If you are not going faster than the traffic in the right lane then you belong in the right lane. Doesn't matter if the traffic in the right lane is going 10 mph over the speed limit. Come to Colorado so you can eat some tough cookies.

Personally when I come across people like that I just go around on the right. I don't give them the bird although I feel like it. Too many crazies out there these days.

Sorry but that is a pet peeve of mine. If you want to be my nanny then become a bureaucrat.
I think you referred to vehicles with flashing lights. I'm referring to ordinary private vehicles where the occupants have an emergency. That was my own example. You don't know why the driver behind is in a hurry and only the police are entitled to deal with speeders.

Some people have boasted to me in the past that they taunt speeding drivers. Their attitude is that, if they themselves are on the limit, they won't move over for anyone and will hog the lane for as long as possible to annoy the driver behind. They will even match the speed of the vehicle in the next lane to make a full moving road block. It's as if they think they are in a race and the other guy is breaking the rules of the race. These lane hoggers are also usually ones that will speed if they think they can get away with it and see red if someone passes them when they daren't break the limit. It's immature and dangerous to drive with that kind of attitude and it's likely to result one day in an accident.
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