A little bit of road rage!

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Here is what I said about medical emergencys.

I dont drive beside people, thats never safe but I am not changing lanes to let someone else speed. If I slow down I will take the right lane. If I change lanes to let them buy I then have to change back to pass the slower cars then back for the next speeder. Thats lane weaving. an that gets people killed. If you are speeding an endangering everyone else you can lane weave to. Not me.
That's the kind of thinking that causes road rage. In Colorado they have a law against that. The left lane on any road posted 65 or above is for passing only. If you are not going faster than the traffic in the right lane then you belong in the right lane. Doesn't matter if the traffic in the right lane is going 10 mph over the speed limit. Come to Colorado so you can eat some tough cookies.

Personally when I come across people like that I just go around on the right. I don't give them the bird although I feel like it. Too many crazies out there these days.

Sorry but that is a pet peeve of mine. If you want to be my nanny then become a bureaucrat.

It's the only rule that makes sense, surely. If cars could shuffle along side by side for miles there would be carnage before long as people flipped their lids.

In the UK (driving on the left), drivers are very reluctant to pass on the left side because the police and cameras are everywhere on the motorways. It's as illegal as lane hogging. When I've done it to avoid a right hand lane hogger I've usually waited until there are more than two lanes and passed well away from him. If some fool is prepared to block my way deliberately he's fool enough to switch lanes in front of me to keep me behind him.

In Thailand there are few aggressive drivers but many very bad ones. Despite the law on right lane hogging (same as the UK) they can be painfully slow at passing another vehicle and then just forget to go back to the left hand lane. Many who intend to turn right will be in the right hand lane for a mile ahead of the junction. You just use the left lane and keep an eye on them.

Bad drivers are dangerous but the ones who deliberately inconvenience others are more than likely to cause a death on day.
Actually there is more deaths from people trying to change lanes to get out of the way of speeders than there are from people maintaining lane an slowing down. Ive seen it first hand. Not that it matters but Ive also had to body bag people cause someone else thought they had a right to go that little bit faster than the rest of us. I bet those peoples familys would see this conversation different.

I know my point of view is not everyones but I stand by it.
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Don't think that just because you're going the speed limit you can't get a ticket. I KNOW someone who did just that, and they were giving a ticket for (if I remember correctly) creating an unsafe situation. (I can't check w/them cuz they've moved, and I've lost contact)

I normally drive the speed limit. However, if I'm on a main road, whether it's 2 lanes, 4 lanes or more and the rest of the traffic is speeding, I will not do the speed limit. I'll keep up w/traffic. I feel that going slower will create more problems than going faster will.

However, if I'm on a back road, or in a town, you can be pretty sure I'm going to go the speed limit. There's more of a chance of something coming out in front of you, whether it's a child, animal, or whatever.
I dont drive beside people, thats never safe but I am not changing lanes to let someone else speed. If I slow down I will take the right lane. If I change lanes to let them buy I then have to change back to pass the slower cars then back for the next speeder. Thats lane weaving. an that gets people killed. If you are speeding an endangering everyone else you can lane weave to. Not me.

You will never convince me that deliberately blocking another driver is the correct and safe thing to do. Pulling over to let a car through is weaving only if you persist in pulling back out to the other lane again all the time.

And there you go again laying down your own law for others. Who are you to decide whether, in any particular instance, a wait for an ambulance is better than an immediate car ride? If you knew that a woman was giving birth in the car behind, would you not pull over to let it through? You can't know so it's better to assume the driver has a reason to speed and get your own vehicle out of the way. In fact, if you check your rear view mirror frequently as you should you will usually have plenty of time to move over safely.
That's an interesting piece of information that could turn around this whole thread. Please quote your source of official data. I'd like to study it. I love statistics and we might be able to nail this once and for all.

No-one is arguing in favour of speeding. Only discussing the appropriate reaction to a speeder behind us.
Out on Independence Blvd/Highway 74(charlotte), people will attempt to cross the 6lane freeway to get to the old colliesum and arenas across from some of the motels. There are acres of parking lots on the side of these buildings, but people don't want to leave their motel, drive a half mile and pay a couple of dollars to park safely. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo they want to run across 3 lanes attempt to climb a 3ft concrete barracade topped with a 6ft chainlink fence put up to stop these idiots and another 3 lanes on the other side. Please understand that this is one of the most traveled roads in all of charlotte. I don't drive on this road unless it's an absolute must. Ever see that Goofy cartoon where he changes from Dr. Jekyl to Mr. Hyde when he gets behind the wheel of a car?? These people are a BILLION times worse!!
Around here the right lane is running around 15 MPH below the speed limit. To change lanes to let speeders past requires abrupt moves to change speed an merge. People that try to run faster than everyone else dont really get ahead. Maybe a half mile over a 15 minute drive. But you risk everyones safety. Like I said I'm not blocking anyone I'm driving the limit in the lane that it is safest for me to.

Choosing to drive to get medical help is stupid in most of the US anyway. A trained medical crew can get to you faster than you can get to them an by the time they get to you they are ready to do there job. If you go to them they then get to get the right people there an you have lost more time. I did it for13 years. Now if you still deside that you are better than a trained EMS unit, don't blame the normal traffic for it taking to long to get help. If people dont have to move for an ambulance then they sure dont have to for you. And trust me they dont move for ambulances an in most stated are not required to.
Cant point ya to the study. It was quoted to me from a State Trooper when we were working a wreck where someone got hit when they tried to change lanes to get out of the way of a speeder.
A Tennessee Highway Patroll that was there agreed with him So I took it as true. It has held true threw out my experiences.
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