A little bit of road rage!

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Choosing to drive to get medical help is stupid in most of the US anyway. A trained medical crew can get to you faster than you can get to them an by the time they get to you they are ready to do there job. If you go to them they then get to get the right people there an you have lost more time. I did it for13 years. Now if you still deside that you are better than a trained EMS unit, don't blame the normal traffic for it taking to long to get help. If people dont have to move for an ambulance then they sure dont have to for you. And trust me they dont move for ambulances an in most stated are not required to. quote

it takes about 15 minutes to get the rescue squad to get to the house and the fire house is right behind our house because we have volunteer emt. to drive to a hospital it would take 60 min but the patient goes to the hospital by helicopter in 10 minutes and the pad is right behind our home. so we dont see ambulances any more just wake up to ufo lights sign in the windows at night. boy was i scared the first time it happen. i thought the helicopter was land on the house.

when i go to town people do not pull over for emergency vehicles.
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Ive jumped a few fences to land a "UFO" in peoples back yard. We pick the closes field to the scene. Scared a lot of people over the years. An im sure the red lights are the only thing that kept me from getting shot more than once.
As I said, it's not your decision but you say you are prepared to block their path. There will be circumstances in which it is better to get to the hospital than wait for an ambulance. In my son's case he was choking and the usual first aid didn't work. He may have needed medical attention that was beyond the ability of the paramedics and their equipment. Waiting twenty minutes to find out was not an option I was prepared to take.

How about this hypothetical case.

'Darling, the baby's coming'.

'OK, I'll pull over to the side of the road and call for an ambulance'.

'But the maternity hospital is only fifteen minutes away if you drive quickly'.

'Oh, I couldn't possibly do that. Someone might be dawdling in the outside lane and not want to let us pass. Better to wait at the roadside and see whether the paramedics can revive the baby when they finally get here'.

I'm just trying to emphasise my point that we should not impose your values on other drivers and make assumptions about their situation just because we don't like what they are doing.
That's a pity. We could all have learned a lot. I wonder, for example, how many accidents are cause by people hitting their brakes when a car approaches too close behind.

A State Trooper on the Ocala to Ormond Beach road once told me that many accidents in Florida are caused by people pulling out to overtake on a single carriageway road when traffic is coming the other way. He mentioned it only because a car had taken out three of us in precisely that manner. I assume that it's not the only cause of accidents in Florida but, not having seen any facts, I can't be sure.
You like saying I said thing I didn't so I'm stepping out of this thread. I sad I was not changing lanes just because someone wants to speed but I'm not going to block anyone ether.

EMS is not about speed its about people an equipment. An speeding because someone has gone in to labor is risking lives for a non emergency situation. But EMS is better equipped for choking an CPR an lots of other thing than the ER is. They are set up for that stuff but The ER has there equipment set up finish what EMS started. Yes they can do it but taking EMS out of the chain slows this down. If you chose that rout you know that traffic is what it is an its not the people on the roads fault that you made that choice.
I perhaps misunderstood something that you wrote and drew the wrong conclusion. You wrote that you would move over to let an ambulance through but not a car. I took that to mean that the ambulance would have been blocked if you didn't move over and so you were intent on blocking other vehicles.

My son needed two x-rays to find the coins and decide what treatment he needed. Waiting for paramedics to turn up without such equipment was not the appropriate course of action and so it turned out that I made the right decision when I put him in the car. I say again, you can't judge from your own driver's seat what causes the driver behind to be in a hurry. I don't believe that you would rather someone die in a car behind you because you think that they should be in an ambulance.
I think you just make stuff up, because that is not true at all. If someone is incapable of changing lanes when it is safe to do so with out hitting someone else then they should not be allowed to drive at all. I would like to see this study. As for hospitals had I DRIVEN MY HUSBAND to the hospital rather than having the ambulance do it he would still be alive because I wanted to take him to one hospital and the EMS refused taking us to the worst since it was a few miles closer. That hospital is known to be horrible and I BEGGED them not to take him there but they said it was the law. My 31 year old husband never made it out alive and was killed in the ICU 5 days later. My whole life would have been different had I driven him. Live is not Black and White just because something is often the better solution does not make it absolute or the only way. Pushing your views or driving behavior onto others is just wrong no matter how you look at it. I hope that if you are comfortably driving on the highway and see someone coming up behind you that you just calmly change lanes (when it is safe to do so) and just let them go on their way rather than purposly block them because you feel that they should drive at your speed.
I think you just make stuff up, because that is not true at all. If someone is incapable of changing lanes when it is safe to do so with out hitting someone else then they should not be allowed to drive at all. I would like to see this study. As for hospitals had I DRIVEN MY HUSBAND to the hospital rather than having the ambulance do it he would still be alive because I wanted to take him to one hospital and the EMS refused taking us to the worst since it was a few miles closer. That hospital is known to be horrible and I BEGGED them not to take him there but they said it was the law. My 31 year old husband never made it out alive and was killed in the ICU 5 days later. My whole life would have been different had I driven him. Live is not Black and White just because something is often the better solution does not make it absolute or the only way. Pushing your views or driving behavior onto others is just wrong no matter how you look at it. I hope that if you are comfortably driving on the highway and see someone coming up behind you that you just calmly change lanes (when it is safe to do so) and just let them go on their way rather than purposly block them because you feel that they should drive at your speed.

Sorry about your husband. So young too.

Not all EMT's are well trained. Where we live we have a volunteer FD. Our daughter who is diabetic had a seizure one day. Took the EMT's 28 minutes to get there. She seized because her blood sugar was low. It was first thing in the morning and we had not taken her reading yet. Her body reacted to the seizure by pulling what little insulin she had from her pancreas and when the emt's took her reading she was a little high. So they insisted we give her some insulin. Well they took her to the hospital and she was so low that she would have seized again but they boosted her sugar. We spent the whole day in the hospital trying to get her bloosd sugar up to a point where she was safe. The ER nurses and Dr couldn't believe the EMT's had us give her an injection. We should have given her a special injection they give to us for emergencies. The trouble was that or other kids saw her fall down when the seizure started and they said she hit her head and then started convulsing ( not in those words of course). So we thought she had a head injury. Now we know that if it's diabetic we just need to give her the shot. No need to call the EMT's even.

I'm sure that most EMT's are trained better than that. We live in a small town and money is tight. They do the best they can with what they have. I have a lot of respect for these guys because they are all volunteer and they put in a lot of their personal time to do it. I always see them on Saturday and Sunday maintaining equipment and such. As far as I know they get nothing in return.
I think you just make stuff up, because that is not true at all. If someone is incapable of changing lanes when it is safe to do so with out hitting someone else then they should not be allowed to drive at all. I would like to see this study. As for hospitals had I DRIVEN MY HUSBAND to the hospital rather than having the ambulance do it he would still be alive because I wanted to take him to one hospital and the EMS refused taking us to the worst since it was a few miles closer. That hospital is known to be horrible and I BEGGED them not to take him there but they said it was the law. My 31 year old husband never made it out alive and was killed in the ICU 5 days later. My whole life would have been different had I driven him. Live is not Black and White just because something is often the better solution does not make it absolute or the only way. Pushing your views or driving behavior onto others is just wrong no matter how you look at it. I hope that if you are comfortably driving on the highway and see someone coming up behind you that you just calmly change lanes (when it is safe to do so) and just let them go on their way rather than purposly block them because you feel that they should drive at your speed.

iam sorry about your lost but you could have hired ambulance to take your hubby to the other hospital to the er/ peroid
I agree.. i'm not speeding or moving for you if i am doing the speed limit. ..
If you want to speed.. find your way around me.( i could care less if you pass me..).. but i'm not changing lanes for you...
Get over yourself..jeesh..
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