A little embarassing...


10 Years
Apr 15, 2009
I have this habit of bidding up auctions on ebay, for some reason I enjoy helping small sellers get more for their product, so I bid up to the point where I think it's guaranteed that someone who really wants the item will outbid me (I'm sure lots of you ebay buyers hate me, lol, but if you sell on ebay, you might have gotten help from me in the past...).

Anyway, I bid on some goose eggs. The amount I bid up to was SO incredibly cheap for goose eggs that I thought nothing of it, but I ended up winning them!

Now, I can absolutely not have geese! They are too loud, and like chickens and ducks (I also have 2 baby ducks, and 12 duck eggs in the incubator, and 6 more duck eggs coming in the mail...) they are illegal to own in my city unless you are zoned for agriculture. If they are very loud, there's a possibility that I could be found out or at the very least, annoy my neighbor.

I should have just thrown them out, but I couldn't bare too, so now I've got 4 goose eggs due to hatch 4 days after Easter.
I've been trying to secure buyers already, but no interest yet. I'm selling them for $5.50, which from what I'm seeing, is a good price for them (isn't it?). I don't just want to give them away, although I guess if it comes down to it, I might... or process them at days old for dog food.

Anyway, are there any ways to reduce the sounds of geese?
And what is the youngest age I can process them and have some meat on their bones?
I'm assuming that there is no such thing as a quiet goose, am I right?

Please don't judge me.
I've never kept geese before, but what about hatching them and selling them young before they get too noisy. Or putting an add on craigslist?
I say you wait until they hatch, then advertise them with adorable pictures. People are more willing to buy when they can get them right then, and not have to wait and hope they hatch.

Good Luck!
What type of geese are they? Some are much louder than others. Hopefully you'll be able to sell them as hatchlings. Nothing is sweeter than a baby goose.
My two geese only honk when either we are down there or my goose is just about to go into her nest or something like that so they are not that noisey!

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