A little help, please :)


11 Years
Sep 24, 2008
Newark, Ohio
Was wondering if these babies I had were old enough to tell thier sex? I have 5 of them but I have trouble telling them apart!! So I attempted to take pictures of 5 different chickens but I do not know if I did, they may be repeats!! Thank you to whomever can help me
I would say they are about 20 weeks, No one has crowed or layed

Image # 1

Image # 2

Image # 3

Image # 4

Image # 5

Any help on these would be wonderful!! The below pictures I just wanted to share with you guys!! Enjoy!!



sorry to say 1,2,3, and 5 look like roos to me but Im no expert. I have RIR and they look kind of similar and about where the smaller ones were at around 20 weeks.
#3 and #5 look like they have saddle feathers, but they also look a lot alike. Maybe that's your repeat and you only have one roo?
sorry if you did not take repeats then 1 and 4 are hens and 2,3,5 are roos sorry
i have a rooster problem too by last batch of 17,10 were roos the ingrates i hatched them and cared for them and 10 were roos oh well but that is ancient history.
Ohhhh lovely!!!! Well I will try to take seperate pictures of them tonight when they are in the coop. Maybe (hopefully) I took 4 pics of the same rooster haha, but knowing my luck I didnt. Oh well!!
1. Cockerel
2. Cockerel
3. Cockerel
4. Pullet
5. Cockerel
5. Goat...with frizzle cochin and silkie...
6. Goat! LOL!

They're New Hampshire Reds right?
The only one that looks obviously rooish to me is #3, because the saddle feathers are pointy. The others have a few downward pointing saddle feathers, but they look pretty rounded....

#4 is definitely a pullet.

Love your darling goat!

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