A little OCD going on in the hen house?

The girls have claimed one corner of the coop (4x4x4) for their nest - they don't sleep or even poop in that corner - it is funny though that they will wait for one to finish laying when there is plenty of room to lay elsewhere - even the rooster (Sir Poops-A-Lot -a huge english orp) stays out of that corner after being shut in for the night! The mother hen is a very feisty EE and really gives him trouble if he heads near the egg corner
I thought my chickens were just a little weird. The all want the same nesting box too and I've had one roll another into a different box to sit on.
I think my chickens have ADHD because they will lay an egg see moma sitting on her chick so they sit on the egg look around and get up like they forgot what they were doing its funny but sad because for those few moments I can't collect eggs and if I do they yell at me like really butt head you weren't sitting on it anyways
Love to have a camera on the nest box.....

my funniest experience yet is my huge orp rooster chasing my two EE (because they won't submit) and at the last minute they each go a different direction and he runs straight into a bush, or a tree, or even the water container, where he stops and fluffs his feathers as if to say "wasn't me..."

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